[...] Earth angst

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(Hello this is somethin I popped up- is also on my yt community post. Wanted to write some good ol' angst so BOOM- prepare to cry :))))

Earth, the ever so cocky planet. The only one who can harbor life. The one who always prides in his 'positive attributes'. The one who hates moons. The one who is a terrible friend. 

 He hasnt been seen in a while... 

 Where is he? 

 Earth gasped, holding his chest as he heaved, yet nothing but that blasted, eerily colored smoke left his mouth in a dry cough. It immediately blended in with the surrounding, joining the rest of the smoke in swirling and jeering silently at the poor planet. His body wracked with pain with each little movement, the pain like a knife stabbed into his chest. 

He clenched his teeth as another wave of agonizing cough erupted from his chest, ash and fumes leaving his body. Each little breath felt like embers exploding in his chest, a little twitch could cause his body to feel like it was being stabbed by hundreds of needles, and the nausea and headache pounding his head didn't make anything much better.

 Earth grunted, struggling to get up, the pain being unbearable. He had to get out of here. Anxiety washed over him- what if somebody saw him like this? What would they think? Oh no... A sudden rush of adrenaline, and he quickly got up, hissing in pain as he dug his nails into his palms, falling to his knees from the sharp stab of pain.

 "Shouldnt have gotten up so quick.." He choked out, his voice sounding raspy and hoarse, like a person with a sore throat. Pain shot up as he tried to change into a more comfortable position, jolting from the sudden pain. The planet scrunched his eyes shut, in a feeble attempt to shut out the suffering, his hand pressed against his chest. 

 The blue planet shook his head, taking in quick and shallow breaths, hacking as he coughed out more of the cursed smog, nearly losing his balance as he got up, his world swirling around him. Staying still for a while as he slowly went numb to the pain, he made sure he could stay up. He had to get out of here before he suffocated in the smoke.

 A step. Dizziness overtook him as he fell to the ground. The ground slammed into his chest, all the air leaving his body as he let out a strangled cry of agony, immediately curling into the fetal position. The cinders in his lungs erupted into a flame, as the smoke swirled out of his mouth. The pain was viscous, a never ending feeling of pain. 

 At this point, his palms were bleeding from how much stress he was putting on them, but that couldnt stop the dam of emotions breaking, flooding Earth. He whimpered, turning on his back, wincing from the sharp burst of pain from said movement as his vision went blurry. Tears were slipping from his face. 

 He weakly coughed, his lungs corroding from the toxic chemicals in them, and he was trying to get them out. The surroundings began to spin as black spots danced around his eyes. He gasped and wheezed, hoping to get enough air, not caring about the pain that had begun to fade away from the drifting of his mind, holding on. 

 As he tried to fight the inevitable, pain overtook him, and he fell into the sweet arms of sleep. Earth groaned, tilting his head as his hand loosened. As his eyes reluctantly closed, the last thing he saw was the mass of smoke billowed and curled as if taunting him. 

 Venus noticed Earth coming from behind the sun. Ah. There that idiot was. He scoffed, glancing at Earth. He noticed his clothes were a bit singed and blackened... was he solarflared? If he has, he felt little pity. He checked if the Sun was looking anywhere around, before beginning to walk to Mars's orbit. 

 There was a tiny, little feeling which bubbled up, telling him something was wrong. He stopped briefly, to wonder what it was about. Sighing, he shrugged it off as he continued walking towards the red planet.

(Mwehehehehheeheehehhe a smol filler since I was absent for like a week. Laughs in evil. Im also planning on writing my own space-related book thingy. I have a rough idea but idk. Just gunna be sum humans finding an old colony and stuff :DDDD 750 words

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