I dream of perfection

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I dream of perfection.

Of when my ego disappear in my anger.

Tasting those unpleasant moments and still finding love in them.

Not fairy tales that last as long as the spell my hormones set for me.

But of eternal obsession about you.

Of me not needing spices to make our meal a delight.

Of a beautiful landscape that reforms itself in earthquakes.

I dream of shedding our humanity.

Not to delete the tender-heartedness off of our lives, but to cage the fierce beast that arises to destroy.

But my dreams slowly transforms into the mares of the night.

In uncontrollable times, the foundations of these dreams are shaken.

But what if these dreams waiver because only my visions aren't strong enough to hold them.

Will you look into my eyes and see them too as i do?

And in our eternal vision build a fort strong enough to shelter our dream?

Will you dream with me?

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