An Ode To My Mother

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An Ode To My Mother

You are the God in the body of a human,
You did the impossible things which no one could.
You built the bridges for us to cross the rivers,
The stairs for us to climb the mountains.
When he died,
You kept us on your shoulders
And showed us
How beautiful the world is from up above.
You burned the candle of your soul
To brighten our darkest nights,
You sacrificed everything
and guarded us like a knight.
There is not a single way for us
To repay you for what you did,
It will be a blessing if
You become our mother in all our lives.
When the world tried to break us apart,
You held us close with your love.
When their voices were torturing us,
yours was bringing peace within us.
A hug from you mended all our wounds,
and your smile gave us hope.
When I look through your eyes
I see the whole Universe,
and when I look at your soul,
I see a seed of love, kindness,
compassion and sacrifice,
created by the cosmos,
to spread everywhere.

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