take my hand

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take my hand
and walk along
I'm a vagabond craving shelter
take me in your bewitching arms
accept my worries and flaws
stir in yourself and make it bliss,

walk along where the sun melts for hazy poured cloud
and pieces of leaves dance on their arrival
whither the broken pieces of glass reflect amusements
and there I am gazing at your depiction
with bits of some gardens,

the sky is breathed in layers
and so the ecstasy of your expression
I jot down the musk of aroma and honey breast
and inject into my veins
whither merrily I drift in the dusk
while I am waiting for your arms
let me tell you about the sunrise
how it shelters the bleak night before,

converse with me about the stars
how it shines when you do smile
take me to another galaxy
whither the essence of love is thy admiration
so trust me and glance into my eyes and uncover oblivion
how it shadows your reign when you ecstatically smile.

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