Lost in darkness

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Sceneries seem to make people wander in them,
Though nothing stands in front of the night.

Lost in darkness, the only light is the shining stars,
A blanket of them, that everyone adores.

The magical stories they behold, of their creation,
She wants to watch them, lying peacefully on the grass.

A split second and they disappear,
There comes a canopy of clouds.

Suddenly the droplets arrive,
Making the night even calmer.

The one who wanted to see the stars
Now listens to the sound of solace.

With the raindrops falling on the window,
It is just her soul and the silence around.

She never used to be lonely.
It's the mood swing of nature that soothed her.

Wrapped in comfort, her
Fears don't bother her anymore.

She experiences her true self in
The moment she relishes the most.

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