You're morning tea and my kiss

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You’re morning tea and my kiss

In the morning's light, I'll wake up to thee

And kiss your lips, sweet as a cup of tea

As the warmth of our love surrounds us tight

I'll hold you close, and make you my delight

I'll whisper sweet nothings in your ear

And run my fingers through your hair

Your neck, so soft, so tempting to me

I'll give a gentle bite, and you'll see

That our love is like a perfect blend

Of passion, intimacy, and a true friend

I'll be the sugar to your tea

And you'll be my cookie, my sweetie

Together, we'll start the day anew

With love and intimacy, just me and you

And as we kiss and hold each other tight

Our hearts will beat as one, in pure delight.

I'll kiss your lips and be your wake up tea,

Infusing your morning with love and intimacy.

As you stir from your sleep and open your eyes,

My affection for you, it never dies.

THE PREMISE OF LOVEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora