A Prisoner of War

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A Prisoner of War

He repays for something
That wasn't even his deed.
He was forced into this trap
By the people of his creed.

They told him to be brave
And then whispered a lie.
That his brethren cross the border,
Were enemies and meant to die.

They sowed the seeds of hate,
They brainwashed his mind.
Very little did he know,
To a havoc he was destined.

"God bless", said the mother,
"May your side win !"
Unaware that his son
Was about to commit a sin.

With arms on the shoulders,
He walked the path of pity.
Destination was doom,
An anonymous enmity.

One dreadful day,
He was posted on the border.
To massacre every soul,
Thundered aloud the orders.

Full of hatred and rage,
He didn't even twice think.
The place turned into hell
As blood spilled like ink.

They suffered great losses,
Mercilessly the men were slain.
Deathly cries all over,
It was all misery and pain.

He shot and dodged,
He fought his best.
A shower of bullets,
And one pierces his chest.

He fell back in pain
Upon the crimson ground.
With horror in his eyes,
He saw his bleeding wound.

As the sun began to set,
He lost all his hope.
Struggling for every breath,
His eyes gradually closed.

By an unlucky miracle,
Our soldier was saved.
But still it was death, for
Which the poor man craved.

His men had lost the war,
And loss was the only yield.
He was taken as a prisoner
As he left the battlefield.

He is tortured and beaten
And all he can do is cry.
Wars had always been vague,
Now he did know why.

He condemns those men,
Thrive on greed whose lives.
What would the pyrrhic win mean,
If none of us survives ?

It was nothing but doom,
The men had longed for.
As sadly awaits his execution,
Our Prisoner of War.

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