If we meet again

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If we meet again
with any burst of unfelt breeze
With that, I decorate your psyche in my veins
which makes me feel your presence when the moon draws near to the horizon and so the revolving earth around the sun,
and if my unsaid admiration causes the universe to collide our gazes again
this time I’ll not hold my emotions in disguise
Not in the wrapped bouquet that forgot how to be aromatic
When the presence of your shadow accompanied me
and vapoured the aroma over my not-so-glowing skin when your silky hands touched mine,

I’ll take you to skim the sunset of winter alongside
On the outskirt of a deserted city
Where a celebrated river is still alive in the memory of her Princess
With some sprinkles of the remnant of her splendour and covered with some ashes,
but the pieces of eaves around it are not as fresh as it is in your garden
Maybe a glimpse of your sacred smile will make it bloom again
As it did with my not-so-alive temperamental heart
Maybe they need a light
And what if I say you are a sanctified flower on a gloomy night,

I’ll carry a book that you don’t admire
A detested torn paled hardcover that you opened once and despised
I'll Read aloud its first page
In harmony with the sweet melodies of the bird's song
while painting its cover with vibrant hues of your “Mehndi”
I'll make sure it's forgotten verses dance again
with the withered bud that once I planted in my garden to decorate your hairs
I'll show you how a detested flower is nurtured with such admiration
how the characters of a book you never liked can be mesmerizing too
and so the rain that pours in winter can amuse the withering soul
that doesn't synchronize with the blooming bud
but waits for spring that's only one captivating soul can ask.

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