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I fell in love with you

When we first met at the school entrance my super-decoding mind got glitched &
When you first came to the same classroom my curiosity touched its peak.

When we became friends, I thanked God for giving me the best friend I always wanted &
When you truly became my friend you showed me a world like no other.

Not knowing that I'm falling, I let my stubborn mind lose control,
Not knowing that I'm falling, I let my rock heart melt for you.

When you make me smile I feel in paradise,
When we are together my youth feels eternal.

When you stand by me, I become a warrior princess instantly,
When we have those late-night talks, you let me be vulnerable and still safe.

My bruised heart has a sacred part that is full of love and I never believed you would unlock it.
My pure emotions will always remain the same for you even if I wake up from this dream.

We are not in love, we are just walking side by side for a long time.
We are not in love but still, I fell in love with you.

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