She's like sugar

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She's like sugar that hides stones of salt in its appealing look.
She lures you with her charm until you bite into one of her salts.

Yesterday she complimented me.

Today her smile made my day.

But i won't be fooled by her charm.

I might bite into one of those salts if i swim deep in her pool of sweetness.

So tomorrow, i will run for my dear life.

She is a wounded angel

And i won't be the one to rekindle the pain in her smile.

She is a harmonious noise.

Distract her pattern and she captures you into her noise.

I have seen her swallow the pride of her victims like a python swallowing its food.

Do you want to feel her saliva on your body?

I'd rather not.

She hides with you and finds you to devour.

She is a best friend and a worst enemy.

She is red, she is black, she is every colour you'd want to see.

And I'd keep my distance from her if i were you.

Unless you don't prefer your dear life.

THE PREMISE OF LOVEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin