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Even while holding me, who was limp like I passed out, Cheon Sa-yeon moved between the monsters with light movements. I left only the wind that wrapped around Cheon Sa-yeon's body and cut off the rest. As the energy escaping decreased, the headache subsided slightly.

Beyond the darkness, the screams of monsters and the sound of fire spreading vividly could be heard. As I took a deep breath, I took in a cool and bitter scent. Did he put on cologne in a place like this?

"Han Yi-gyeol."

I twitched my eyelids and opened my eyes with difficulty. With a blurry vision, I could see the edge of Cheon Sa-yeon's chest I was leaning on.

"...are you done?"

I could no longer hear the monsters that disturbed my ears previously.

"Yes, turn off your power."

Immediately after saying that, I removed my wind. That alone made breathing a lot easier. The pain in my head was still there.

"You did a great job," he said, rubbing my forehead.

If there was any reason for him to suddenly act so kindly, then of course-it must be because it was refreshing to him to drain others of their ability to this extent.

"Thanks to you, I've dealt with the monsters without much damage."

"I went through such hardship, so it's only natural. Even though I wanted to hit you in the middle."

"You're so cold," Cheon Sa-yeon, who took my words playfully, looked at me with a gentle smile.

"...what are you looking at?"

"I had a very good experience."

It was only a brief moment, but something deep and dark passed by in his eyes.

"I had never thought of using it this way. It's much better than expected. It was only for a short time, but enough to make me covet it."


Oh, um. I guess you're serious.

I didn't know if I should be happy that I was recognized by Cheon Sa-yeon or if I should be angry at how he treated me like I was an object.

With a trembling feeling, I replied, "Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not very interested. You're not the kind of person I can handle."

"That's too bad. You definitely don't have enough energy. It would've been nice if I could use it longer."

"This is normal for an A-rank."

SS-ranks seemed to have a different level of energy. It was kind of disgusting to see him looking fine even after dealing with monsters all day.

"If we're done, please let me down. It's uncomfortable."

"I'll take you to Min Ah-rin."

"I will go on my own."

Cheon Sa-yeon didn't even pretend to hear my request to get off. Fine. How could I even beat you anyway. I gave up on being released and asked another question, "Is everyone okay? Min Ah-rin-ssi and Kim Woo-jin."

"Of course. I recommend taking care of yourself more than anyone else. You were the most in danger."

"Pardon? No way. I'm not hurt at all."

"An ability user is most endangered when they're out of energy."

Is that so? It's hard to endure a bad headache. But it's a lot better than getting hurt.

"You seem to have gotten along quite well with those two."

I glanced sideways at Cheon Sa-yeon's face, who was looking ahead. I didn't expect him to ask such a question.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now