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As I got into the car, Cheon Sa-yeon, who was sitting next to me, opened his mouth.

"Let's go straight to the hotel."


The driver responded politely and started the car. As I turned my head and looked out the window, I felt a strange touch on my wrist.

When I turned around to see, Cheon Sa-yeon was looking into my wrist and fiddling with it. Why are you so annoying like this today?

"What are you doing?"

"You did a good job with the cufflinks."

"Didn't you send it to me to do it?"

"It doesn't really matter if you don't."

After that, I looked at the cufflinks that were fastened to the sleeves of my shirt. Elaborate and lavishly crafted cufflinks studded with red gemstones gleamed even in the dark.

"I did it because it was given to me, so if you are dissatisfied, please tell me. I'll take it out now."

"No way. It's good that you use it well."

Cheon Sa-yeon answered in a soft voice and ran his fingers down the inside of my wrist that was hidden by the sleeve of my shirt. For some reason, the simple action made the back of my neck shiver and my shoulders shudder.


An unknown sensation touched the nape of my neck, but Cheon Sa-yeon did not stop his hand and opened his mouth.

"You've been to the Roheon Guild, so now you want to go to the Jayna Guild. Am I right?"

"Yeah, what... Jayna Guild Gate is also constantly being found anomalies, so it wouldn't be bad if you could go."

"Master Hong Si-ah will also be attending this party, so if you talk well, she will leave a seat for you."

"Aren't you going to help me?"

"Isn't it enough just to take you there? I'd rather gain some weight than that."

Turning the talk. I clicked my tongue and tightened the grip to my caught wrist.

"Stop it. How long will you touch me? All of this is sexual harassment."

"Oh, no. Are you upset?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Cheon Sa-yeon, who smiled bitterly, gently released my wrist and continued the conversation.

"I know what you want, but it's hard for me to put you, an independent, into the Jayna Guild Gate team. I don't know if Jayna wants it in the first place."

As expected, independents are uncomfortable at time like this. I sighed and nodded my head. It reminded me of Hong Si-ah I saw in the novel. I think she had an easygoing personality.

"If you feel sad, you can join the guild now."

"No, thanks."

I have no intention of joining the guild just because of this. I hate it even more if it's under Cheon Sa-yeon.

'When I was hired as a mercenary last time, I should have chosen Jayna instead of Roheon.'

I thought about it for a moment, but I made up my mind. To regret it, the gate anomaly found in Roheon was quite significant. I even found a twisted space and an unidentified pattern.

There is nothing left to regret about the past. Rather, it was much more beneficial to try to talk it out with Hong Si-ah at this party.

"Just don't disturb me. I'll figure it out."

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now