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After cleaning up the finished lunch and moving to the living room, we added coffee to the cake that Kwon Jeong-han had bought. As Kwon Jeong-han said that he bought it from a popular handmade dessert shop, the cake tasted quite good.


Fox, who had been hovering around my piece of cake with a curious look, poked the tip of his nose.

"Ya, wait a minute."

Even if it was a ghost monster, could he still eat a cake or something while looking like an animal? I couldn't figure it out, so I quickly covered the guy's face with my palm.

Come to think of it, I didn't eat cake when I was in the temple, so I couldn't check if it was okay to give it to Fox. There was no way to contact Elohim. I didn't want to give it because it could be bad if I gave it for nothing.

Piiik! Piiik!

Fox stretched out and swung his paws towards the cake, even as his face was pressed down. It was I who was embarrassed by that passionate act. Why was he like this? What did the cake do to him?

Eventually, I put down the fork and took Fox into my arms.

"Why are you suddenly greedy for cake? Stay still."

I put him on my thigh, grabbing his front paws and shaking them gently, Fox blinked his big eyes and cried in protest.

Piik, piik.

"You can't..."

"Well, Yi-gyeol-ssi."


Even so, I pat Fox, who had become a little calmer since I hug him, and Min Ah-rin, who was drinking coffee from the other side, called me. As I lifted my head for something, my eyes met those who were looking at me strangely.

"What is it?"

Kim Woo-jin, who was sitting close to me, glared at Fox with terrifying eyes. What's wrong with him again.

"I also have a question..."

Min Ah-rin, who put her glass down, licked her lips as if contemplating something and eventually continued.

"Yi-gyeol-ssi. You were in China a while ago, weren't you?"

It was ambiguous to say China, but I couldn't tell them about the Prophet, so I answered yes for now.

"Were you... alone?"

"No, I wasn't. I left here because I had someone to meet in the first place. We met without any major problems and we got along well with what we had to do."

As I gently scratched Fox's belly, he bit my hand softly playfully. I didn't really feel sick, so I left him alone and asked Min Ah-rin.

"More than that, I wanted to ask you since yesterday, how did you know that I went to China?"

Min Ah-rin looked at Kim Woo-jin for a moment with a hesitant expression on her face and said.

"I heard that Deputy Master Roheon went on vacation to China. I don't think with Yi-gyeol-ssi's personality, you wouldn't force yourself to leave alone, so I asked him when I met him in person."

"Ah, now that you mention it, you've been gone to the new gate with Master Cheon Sa-yeon, right? I saw it on the news."

"That's right. To be honest, from the point of view of Deputy Master Ha Tae-heon, he could ignore me, but I thanked him for kindly letting me know."

As I listened to Min Ah-rin's explanation with a faint smile, my mood became somewhat strange.

Come to think of it, didn't Ha Tae-heon and Min Ah-rin develop into a relationship with pretty good feelings in 'Abyss'? Min Ah-rin moved from Requiem to Roheon because of Ha Tae-heon.

I Don't Want This Reincarnation [1]Where stories live. Discover now