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WARNING: This chapter and upwards may make you discomfort or trigger something. Just keep in mind that this is just fiction. ^^

"Your energy has become pretty clear."

As soon as they saw me as I entered the library, Elohim spoke out instead of saying hello. I tilted my head slightly with doubt.

"Is that so?"

"Have you met your third dream?"


When I answered briefly, Elohim held up the teacup with an expression like that.

"What do you mean by becoming clearer?"

I didn't think there was any change, I wondered how did Elohim immediately notice it right away. When I asked him out of curiosity, he smiled and motioned for me to sit on the sofa.

"Do you remember Deputy Master of the Athena Guild? It's a kid named Chloe Asner."

"Of course, I remember."

Bewildered by the unexpected appearance of the name, Chloe's ability immediately came to mind.

Knowing what I was thinking, Elohim gently raised the corner of his mouth as if I was right.

"She is a child with special ability indeed. It can be seen that the SS-rank is the most suitable for her rank. You don't have that kind of ability easily."

"You mean the eyes that can see the colour of the other person's energy."

"Yeah. She watched yours, too."

"That's right."

Then the memory slowly came to mind. What did she say again.

"You must have heard it was dark blue."

Ah, right. I did.

"But that... isn't that Han Yi-gyeol's energy?"

"No. It's also your energy. To be precise, Han Yi-gyeol's energy and Kwon Se-hyun's energy are mixed."

"Mixed? Like paint?"

"That's an appropriate analogy. Then I will ask you, Se-hyun-ah. Do you know what colours must be mixed to get dark blue?"

If it was dark blue...

I pondered for a moment, then opened my mouth carefully.

"Blue and black?"

"That's right."

I felt a strange sense of dread. Black candy was given by Elohim every evening. If I ate it, the chances of dreaming of past memories increased.

Before that, we met in a dream and had to choose between light blue candy and black candy.

"Is the black one me?"

I never seriously thought about the colour of candy, but now that I saw it, it made sense.

"The higher the grade, the clearer and darker the colour of the energy. Do you remember what I said a few days ago? That Han Yi-gyeol's soul had been worn out and faded by his long agony."


"Originally, Han Yi-gyeol had blue. But when you came in, it was so weak that it turned light blue. In that state, your soul came in, so it turned blue again... In addition, black was mixed."

Even though I listened to the explanation as calmly as possible, I was confused. Rubbing my forehead, I barely organized Elohim's words.

"Um, so you mean... his soul was weakened and it turned light blue, but thanks to me, it was restored to blue again. Does that mean that my black was added to it and eventually became dark blue?"

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