Big Ego...Tiny Junk.

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I walked into the house, expecting and welcoming the silence with open arms. My brother was still in school and wouldn't be home at all because he was with my dad. My mom worked longer hours, so of course she wasn't going to be back in time for dinner. It was just me- wait I'm sorry. I bet you're wondering what's going on.

My parent's got divorced when I was really young, 7 or 8. It wasn't some sob story, or a case of physical abuse. Nah, my dad was just a really big dickwad with a really small, but sexually active dick. He cheated on my mom a lot, never keeping the stupid thing inside of his pants where it belonged. I know I can't totally insult his precious jewels, because they created me, but I hate that he couldn't just stay with one woman. He left, married one of his ladies and decided to take away the normality of my childhood once and for all. Him and mom fought and fought over the custody of me and Ryan, and they got almost 50% a piece.

Until I was 12.

I started starving myself, anything to get to go back home to my mom. He started telling me things, how I wasn't good enough for him or his family.

And you know what? I started to believe him. My mom brought this to court, and it was ruled emotional abuse. I was forbidden from going back there, but Ryan still had to go for 30% of the time. The judge was very clear about the rules: If Ryan didn't want to go, he didn't have to. But, my father was very pushy. He made sure he saw the poor boy at least three times a week- three more than he deserved.

I bet you're wondering why I'm telling you this boring overview of my not-so-spectacular life. It's because this is where Logan comes pay close attention.

Logan and I had just become best friends, calling each other everyday and talking for hours on end. Pretty old school right? He didn't know that much about me and I was determined to keep it that way. I didn't want the one guy that I truly liked to think I was a weirdo or anything, so I didn't explain to him what was going on at home. Probably not the smartest idea. It was a parent-teacher conference and my mom was working as usual so my dad had to take care of me. We were in school and I was taking him to my locker, proud of how need and clean it was. But rather than praising me, he went on one of his usual rants about how I was a disappointment and a mistake. Logan heard and was furious enough to storm up to my dad and tell him to shut up.

Now you know why I fell in love with him.

Anyway, that's the basics. As a result of my father's screw ups, my mom and I weren't close in any way, shape or form. As I grew up I envied my friends who told their moms who they liked, and what their opinions were. It was one of the worst feelings in the world, not being able to talk to your own mother.

So it was nice to come home to a quiet household, do my homework and eat dinner alone. Who was I kidding? It stunk....big time.

The phone rang, pulling me out of my reverie.


"Hi is this Ms.Wolfe?"

"This is her daughter, how can I help you?" I heard the woman on the other end clear her throat.

"Well, this isn't an emergency, but Ryan is in the nurse's office at the moment icing his knee. He was walking up the stairs and was pushed forward, and banged it." I rolled my eyes, thanking god that the stupid school nurse couldn't see.

"Do you mind putting him on?"

"Of course not." I waited for the phone to be handed off to my twelve-year-old brother.


"Falling down the stairs?" I heard him sigh slightly on the other end before whispering.

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