Two of an enemy's enemies are allies

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I challenge you all: message, call or tell a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend that you're thankful for them.

I'll do mine here on Wattpad, though I'm not 100% positive that the person is reading this:

Jonathan: THANK YOU for being the BESTEST FRIEND. I wouldn't want another doubles partner, gossip queen, cookie eating, Aina insulting, eyebrow waxing, funny facing person in my life. Even though you're a Frenchy (and I can't speak a word of it), we're still able to communicate relatively awkwardly. Je'taime (I probably didn't spell that right, but you get it)<3

"So what do you want to be when you 'grow up'?" Jesse and I were seated on the couch, facing each other. I was wearing large sweatpants, a sweatshirt I got from a thrift store down the street and fuzzy socks that had cats all over them. I had lent Jesse some of my dad's old stuff- basketball shorts and a sweatshirt...his feet were bare, but we were both covered in large blankets. It was probably eleven thirty, and Jesse had decided to stay longer, which was most likely because he thought I was upset. It wasn't that bad of a guess...but I was honestly just mentally drained. Waiting for him to answer my question, I pulled my hair out of the bun and let the waves tumble down my shoulders.

"Policeman." My eyes jumped to his face in surprise, the tone of his voice confident and sure.

"Really? Why?" He gave me a calculated look and I could tell his answer would be deep...which was a problem. I was about as deep as a kiddy pool- so I couldn't compete.

"I wanna help people who can't face things on their own. I like the idea that everyone sees me as someone they trust." His response made me think.

"Isn't it dangerous though?" He shrugged.

"I'd take danger over just standing by and watching people struggle any day."

"That's noble of you."

"It's not nobility. I- I wanna help. Simple as that." I nodded, impressed.

"You've earned a whole lot of respect from me just now." He grinned.

"I should start saying thoughtful things more often then." Laughing, I snuggled more into my blanket. Jesse watched me and I could practically hear the clockwork within his mind whirring.

"You look deep in thought. Something up?" He swallowed, as if building the courage up to speak.

"Charlie, I know there's something wrong."

"Wrong with what?" Staring right into my eyes, I felt like my mind was open for him to read leisurely, and it scared the hell out of me.

"You're life."

"That's a pretty big statement to sound so confident with."

"I'm a confident guy."

"Obviously." I was slowly avoiding his comment.

"Now who's the cocky one?"

"Never said cocky, just confident." He rolled his eyes.

"Confident guys are the sexiest."

"I didn't know you went that way, but I accept you for who you are." His face blanched, and I was holding in my laugh.

"No- I didn't mean it that way! I'm strai-" Finally bursting out giggling I said,

"Jess, I know. I was messing with you." He let out a breath and looked at me, annoyed.

"Rude." I shrugged.

"That's my job." After pausing for a moment, I heard my phone ring with a text. Opening it, I read the message, which was from Gina.

G:Hey Coco- what's up with you? I grinned unconsciously at the nickname she had given me. Over the past few months Gina and I had become closer than I thought was possible, and she definitely claimed the title as my best friend. Answering her back, I wrote,

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