Peter Pan's Shadow

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Hey guys. Based on the messages I've gotten from readers, I just wanted to let you all know something. The entire story is roughly the full truth. It's a weird combination of my experiences along with some close friends of mine. But the guy situation? Yes, that's totally true....unfortunately and fortunately I guess.

Okay, on with the story.

The boys devoured the simple salad and grilled salmon I whipped up (apart from Cam who ate more formula). It was way past seven thirty when everyone settled on the couch for a movie. The baby was nestled in my arms, already sleepy.Almost as soon as Peter Pan's shadow flitted across the screen, Cameron's eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed down, so I carefully stood up from the couch. All eyes turned to me, but I just shook my head and motioned for them to keep watching and walked up the small staircase cautiously. Placing the sleeping baby boy inside the crib, I covered him with a blanket due to the wintery chill in the air. Then I turned on the monitor and headed back downstairs, to fine all three boys still staring at the movie. As soon as I came into sight, I was able to see that Jason's figure was leaning on Jesse and he was fast asleep. Checking my watch, I saw that it was eight fifteen and I sighed, relieved that the nap my three-year-old brother had didn't affect his bedtime. I rolled my eyes and picked him up in my arms and he stirred slightly, leaning into my chest. Ryan and Jesse both looked up at me, but then went back to staring at the TV as I walked up the stairs once more and places my brother in his bead, covering him up with the sheets and covers and switching on the nightlight. Giving him a light kiss on the forehead, I murmured "Goodnight" before slipping out the door and down the small set of stairs once more. I finally reclined on the couch, a cushion away from Jesse, who was watching the film with fascination, even though he had probably seen it over a hundred times. Ryan was curled up on a bean bag, with a blanket draped over his legs, keeping his body warmth in. After a few more scenes of the movie, Jesse stood up and asked,

"You guys want anything to drink?" Without looking at him, Ryan muttered,

"You have hot chocolate?"


"I'll have that." I smiled and shook my head, finding his indifference towards Jesse hilarious. It meant that the seventeen-year-old boy was truly becoming part of the family. Jesse turned to me, and asked the same question and I answered,

"I don't need anything, but thanks Jess." He gave me a breathtaking grin and walked into the kitchen, and a few moments after he left, I looked over to Ryan. He was shivering, due to the winter bitterness that surrounded everything.

"Ry?" I whispered, and he glanced up at me. "Want to come up here?" Without a moments hesitation, he clambered onto the couch next to me, putting his head on my shoulder and pulling his blanket over the two of us. I could hear Jesse shuffling around in the kitchen, the clock's soothing ticks and the crackling flames of the fire, and finally felt calm.

The reason I had peace, without my mom, was because I had told her that I was taking the boys away for the week. I didn't give her time to argue, just the key. God knows I'd probably be in deep shit later, but to see my brothers happy made everything worth it. Once Jesse had offered for me to come to the small cottage with him, I immediately asked if Cam, Jason and Ryan could come too. It wouldn't be a family vacation without them.

Jesse came back into the room with a steaming cup of hot cocoa in his hand, and gave it to Ryan. The moment he saw our position, I could practically feel his smile.

Ryan went up to bed after the movie finished and the credits scrolled across the screen. I gave him a kiss on the head and he lingered in my arms for a minute.

"You okay mi amor?" He whispered back.

"Yeah. Is it okay if I sleep in your room?" I sighed, knowing that he was a little bit scared.

"Of course bud. I have my headphones and iPod on the nightstand. Just make yourself comfortable and I'll come up soon okay?" I felt him nod and he trudged up the stairs, wearing my sweatshirt. Jesse went to the tv and turned to me.

"What do you want to watch now?" I shrugged.

"No clue. What do you have?" He started to list the different DVD's that he owned and I stopped him on one.

"I want to watch that one." He stared at the cover the chuckled.

"Only you." He placed the disk in, but as soon as it started up I heard Cam's cry.

"Shizzle. I'll be right back." He nodded and I ran to the fridge, grabbing some formula, and then sprinted up the stairs to the baby's room. I found him in his crib, arms flailing. Laughing quietly, I picked him up and gave him the bottle, watching as he drank the liquid greedily. Once he was finished, I burped him and he stared at me, content and sleep.

"Ready to go back to bed mi amor?" Cam started nodding off and I kissed him on his pale pink cheek and placed him back down in the crib, covering his tiny body with his light blue, soft blanket. Slipping out the door, I shut it lightly and tiptoed down the stairs again, an empty bottle in my hand.

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