A Flying Fu *hiccup* ck

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You know that feeling when you're at the top of the rollercoaster and you're preparing yourself for the stomach drop? Your body is aware that you're at the tippy tippy top and the only way out of it is down. So as a result, you're getting ready: clinging onto the metal bar, taking calming breaths, shutting your eyes and trying to keep the vomit inside your mouth. No? You don't do that? Awkward, cause that's what I do. And that's what I did when I saw the caller contact.

Breathe breath swallow breathe.

"Hi mom."

"Where. In the name of fucking hell. Are you." My mom had a very strange personality when she was drunk. It was either warm and fuzzy or it was cold and dark. I think her mind brought her to a place that closed her off from reality. It was five am and she had finally decided to come home and probably realized I wasn't there.

"I told you Mom," I tried to say with the most patience I could muster, "Jason's sick. He has pneumonia and we're in the ER right now." I heard her barf somewhere and I was praying it didn't land on the neighbor's flowers (and even more that Xavier didn't hear it.)

"I don't give a flying *hiccup* fu*hiccup* ck. When I *hiccup* come home, I exp*hiccup*ect you to help me to *hiccup* bed."

"Do you have any friends you can go to for the night?" I heard her mutter something to herself before saying happily,

"I'll go to Donny's!" Normally, I wouldn't have wanted her to go to a man's house drunk where he could openly take advantage of her. However, my baby brother was on IV medication, my other brother was in a strangers house and I hadn't gotten a wink of l sleep in over forty-eight hours.

"Have fun mom." With that I hung up and prayed silently that Xavier didn't look out his window.

The hours of the clock moved and I was able to close my eyes. Dr.Ambles knocked on the door close to seven thirty am and by that time I was so far into dreamland I had to slap myself awake a couple of times before she came into focus,

"Okay Charlotte," I was becoming more awake, because my mind was still worried about Jason. "He's responding well and the fever seems to have broken." I smiled tiredly; glad he was going to be all right.

"That's wonderful. Thank you so much." She rubbed my arm.

"Anytime, this is what I'm here for. We're going to send you home with the anti-biotic for him to take twice a day and an inhaler to help with that nasty cough." I nodded. "You two should be cleared to go in an hour or two."

"Thank you Dr.Ambles." She waved and left as I pulled out my phone, dialing Xavier's number. He picked up after the third ring and his voice sounded sleepy.


"Xavier, I didn't mean to wake you up!" Once I spoke he sounded more alert and aware.

"No no, don't worry about it Butterfly. What's going on?"

"We're going to be cleared in about an hour."

"That's awesome! I'll swing by and pick you two up then."

"Perfect. Thank you!" We hung up and I dialed Mrs.Shmitt, who I'm sure had been wondering what had happened.

"Hi Charlotte, is everything okay?"

"It's fine. We had to take Jason to the ER last night and they said he has Pneumonia. He's on an anti-biotic and we're bringing him home soon. I just wanted to let you know that he's going to be staying home today and to thank you for helping him yesterday." I heard her gasp.

"Oh my goodness! Of course, I'll always help! Tell the little angel to feel better!" I laughed.

"Will do Mrs.Shmitt." Two more calls to make before I could finally take a breather. I tapped Ryan's school's contact and talked to the front desk woman, letting her know that Ryan wouldn't be coming in. She questioned it, and I told her that his little brother was in the ER. Then I emailed my school, also telling them I wouldn't be in, and texted Janie and Maria, saying that Jason was in the Emergency Room so I couldn't come.

Last but not least I had to call the sperm donor.

"Hello Charlotte."

"Hi. My younger brother has pneumonia at the moment and Ryan was in the hospital with us for the night. He's not going into school for the day and isn't going to you tonight either." I heard my dad sigh on over the line.

"Charlotte I know that you and I don't have the best relationship. However, I feel as though you are purposefully destroying mine and my son's relationship to get back at me and that isn't fair." I listened to his voice and with every word he said came the stronger urge to scream. I kept the anger in and said calmly,

"I don't give a rat's ass about you Jim. I don't care if Ryan likes you or not. I do care when he tells me he doesn't want to go with you but you in turn force him to. That's what I care about. So please, go preach to someone who gives a damn." With that, I hung up the phone, seething. The blonde haired boy's voice brought me back to a serene state of mind.


"Yes Jase?"

"Am I all better?" Before I could answer he started coughing again, the deep, hair-raising hack.

"It hurts."

"I know mi amor, but it's going to be fine. The doctors are giving you medecina (medicine)."

"Bien. (Good)." I kissed him on the forehead.


I know it's short. It was a "glue" chapter, or transition. I needed a way to get to my next point. Sorry!!

I'm going to try to update daily, but it may be every other day. I hope you all are enjoying it! Comment comment comment please!

Forever yours,


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