You Deserve

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Aina and Jonathan- today was the hardest moment, but you know what American people say....

I won't whisper goodbye, just yell see you soon.

Tokyo and Switzerland are god damn awesome places because you two are there. Don't miss me too much (though you can't because we're skyping every day).

We all headed to the beach at 12:30, and everyone was pretty pumped. Cameron was in his stroller that had a canopy, shielding him from the sun while my two brothers and Sophia sprinted to the sand. My friends and I followed close behind, enjoying the salty air and fresh breeze. We had pulled out our chairs and towels and gotten ourselves situated when Caleb and Ali went for a walk on the beach. Sophia and Ryan ran into the ocean, and were splashing each other, laughing the entire time. Jason turned to me with wide eyes.

"I wanna go in." I ruffled his hair.

"You need an adult with you honey." He pouted and gave me and Jesse a look.

"Can you guys come in then?" Before I could tell him no, Gina jumped in.

"How about me and James go in with you buddy?" His face lit up.


"Really?" James echoed. Gina gave him a glare and then smiled at my brother.

"Definitely." Jason turned to me, asking for permission using his eyes. I glanced at my two friends.

"You better stay with him in the shallow part." Gina nodded.

"Of course!" With that, the three went jogging down to the ocean. I sighed tiredly, sitting down on a towel. Jesse came and scooted next to me, and I could feel his shoulder lightly touching mine.

"I've decided something." His voice was so confident that it made me wonder what he was talking about.

"And that is?"

"I'm getting you out of here." I raised my eyebrow.

"I can walk back to the house perfectly fine on my own." He shook his head, staring out at the water. The way he responded made me realize he was really serious.

"Not right now. I mean when we go home. I'm getting you and your brothers out of there." It felt like the world stopped. What did he know? Had Will told him everything? Oh god.

"Why...?" Jesse let out a short breath.

"I saw you with your mom a little while ago." Shit. Trying to play it cool, I shrugged.

"So?" He turned his body to fully face mine.

"She was drunker than my brother used to get." I looked away from his prying gaze and instead pretended to be fully concentrated on watching Jason in the water.

"People get drunk Jess. It's how the world works." I heard him snort.

"Of course they do! But taking care of a drunk mother like you've been doing it for years shouldn't be how your world works!" I didn't answer so he continued. "Right now I'm just thankful your dad isn't in the house because then something worse would've happened."

He had no idea.

"It's fine." He sighed and I felt him stand up. Hoping he was walking away, I let the tension drain from my shoulders. However, instead of leaving, he came up behind me and sat down, pulling my back to his chest. I subconsciously leaned into him and felt his arms wrap around my torso, his chin leaning on my shoulder and his warm breath whispering into my ear.

"You deserve to be happier than you are." I shook my head slightly, the wind blowing my hair gently into my face. 

"You don't know who I am Jess. You have no idea what I deserve." His hands tightened and for the first time in my life I felt completely safe. No, not safe....I never felt safe. 

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