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My phone started buzzing in the middle of Science. I discreetly looked at it and my heart froze. What was my mom doing calling me during class? I slipped it up my sleeve and left, saying I had to use the bathroom. Once I got far enough away from the classroom, I answered it,

"What Mom? I'm in class." Instead of hearing her voice, it was someone else. 

"Is this Charlotte, Sally's daughter?" The man's voice was strange, very distant. 

"Uh, yeah. Who are you and what are you doing with my mom's phone?" 

"I'm Dr.Samson." I felt my stomach drop, and all of the worst case scenarios flashed through my mind like a movie strip. 

"What happened?" I think my voice gave away all of my fear. I had been expecting something to happen to her, but I wasn't sure what. 

"Your mother was dropped off here with extreme stomach pains. We took a quick ultrasound but before we could do a full examination, she-" I could feel him stalling. 

"She what?"

"She gave birth to a baby boy." 

The fucccccck?

"So what you're telling me is that my mom. Pushed. A child. Out of her vagina?" I figured he was a doctor so he should be used to very....urm....blunt terms. 

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. It happened probably an hour ago." 

"Is she okay?"

"Significant blood loss, and definite withdraw from drugs. When can you get here?" I sighed and checked my watch. It was the period before the end of the day, and the last class was Spanish so I didn't think I'd have a problem with leaving. 

"I'll be there soon. Is the baby doing fine?" I heard the doctor clear his throat. 

"Yes, he's totally healthy. However, your mother won't look at the him. What would you like his name to be?" 

"I'll give you all of the information when I get there." 

"Okay, thank you." He hung up and I rushed back into class, all of the eyes on me. I slung my bag over my shoulder and turned to my teacher, Mrs.Anderson who was staring at me, obviously annoyed. 

"Going somewhere Charlotte?" 

"Yeah. I need to go to the hospital." She crossed her arms. 

"Care to tell me why?"

"No, I'd rather not." 

"Then sit back down." I was beginning to get furious. My baby brother was apparently just born in the hospital, my mom was refusing to look at him and I couldn't even get out of a god damn classroom. 

"Look ma'am," I leaned in closer so it was a conversation between me and her. "My mom just gave birth to a baby boy who we weren't exactly expecting. She's had a lot of blood loss and I don't want to be here instead of there if she dies. So please," My voice rose to it's normal volume, "Let me go." She nodded, obviously surprised. 

"Uh okay. Get notes from someone." Shit. I don't have a car. 

"Mrs.Anderson, I've gotta take her." Will's voice came from behind me and I heard him stand up. I think all of the students were shocked to see the two of us talking and friendly. Honestly, even Maria's jaw was dropped open. She wasn't really aware of the reasons why, but Janie was. Janie wasn't in the room, she was in a different class, but I knew she would be laughing. 

"Will, this isn't your situation." He came to stand next to me. 

"Actually Mrs.Anderson, it does concern me." I could tell she wasn't aware of how the two of us were connected, probably most of the kids in my school didn't know about it either. 

"How so William?" 

"Because she's my step sister, and she needs my help, so I'm going to give it to her. Let's go Lola." He took my hand and practically dragged me out of the room. We ran down the halls and into the parking lot, unlocking his car and getting in. 

"Where to?" 

"Centerville Hospital." He nodded and pulled out of the parking lot, turning onto the main road. It was silent for a few moments before he asked,

"What happened?" I stayed silent and Will respected that, which I appreciated more than anything. It was a lot to process for me: another baby brother? Jesus. 


We took the stairs two at a time and got to the waiting room within minutes. The woman at the front desk looked young, probably around twenty or twenty one, and was chewing bright pink bubble gum. She directed me to the room and I sprinted to it, forgetting for a minute that Will was behind me and bursted into my mother's hospital room. She was lying there sipping a coca cola, turned to face the window. I could see a cradle in the corner and I went over to it, leaving the door wide open for Will to come in. I was tired of hiding things from friends, so I didn't discourage him entering, though I ignored him. I picked up the baby boy and saw a blonde head and tiny hands. I smiled unconsciously as he gripped onto my pinky with his tiny fingers. His green eyes blinked once or twice before shutting, and I mentally awed. 

"Mom, what do you want to call him?" No answer. I put the boy down and turned to face her. "Mom I asked you a question. Still nothing. I went up to her and basically got in her face. "Mom answer me." 

"He's not mine." The anger I had been keeping inside of me was about to boil over, and if I was a train. smoke would be coming out of my ears.

"He is yours mom. He came out of you." He shrugged. 

"Not mine." 

"Yes, he is yours woman. How did you not know you were pregnant?" Her eyes snapped to me. 

"I didn't get cravings, I didn't get a stomach. Nothing. I got nothing. It was one night." 

"What happened to using condoms mom? Birth control? Anything?" She rolled her eyes. 

"Don't ruin the fun honey."

"Don't honey me mom! You aren't the one taking care of him, I AM! I'm the one who's gotta pay the bills, by him clothes and food!" 

"I gave birth to you bitch. Don't use that tone with me." I pointed to my baby brother. 

"Mom you don't even know who the father is. You don't bring in the money, don't have a solid job and just ran and got pregnant and decided to throw the baby on me. Just thank GOD that he's healthy, because with the things you've been putting into your body, that's so unlikely it makes me sick." She closed her eyes. 

"Leave me alone." I shook my head in disappointment and anger, and walked back over to the boy. Will was standing by the door, his mouth hanging slightly open. I held the bundle in my arms and left my mom's room, anxious to take a walk with my brother. Will followed me, still in shock. 

"Lola, there are so many things you aren't telling me." 

"Not now Will. The poor kid doesn't even have a name." He laughed. 






"Nope. How about Cameron?" He thought for a minute and then smiled. 

"I like it. Baby Cam."

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