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To say I was shocked was an understatement (PICTURE OF HER FREAKING OUT) , but I had class, so my legs moved while the thoughts in my brain swirled, putting Elsa's ice storm thingy to shame. However, school was school (which meant it was a hell of a lot more important in my life than a seventeen year old guy) so I shoved the events that had happened as far out of my frontal lobe as possible, wedging it in the very back and threw myself into the Science work we were doing, anxious not to get any homework over winter break. I had enough on my plate with Cam and Jason now in daycare (my mom disagreed strongly, but it was too much for Mrs.Shmitt to handle, so by November I had enrolled them), Ryan's sports games and newfound crush on Sophie (not so new if you ask me) and my mother's obvious....issues? Yeah. I had a lot to deal with and homework was not going to be on the list.

The bell rang, pulling me out of my reverie and I realized I had finished all of the classwork assigned. I gave a sigh of relief and shoved all of my books in my bag. Before I could sneak out of the door, my Science teacher Mrs.Anderson called,

"Charlotte! Stay back a moment?" I squeezed my eyes shut before walking to her, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Yeah?" She shuffled through her papers.

"I've been looking through your test scores and you've been getting all 100's plus any extra credit." I felt a blush circulate through my cheeks and I shifted the books in my arms, slightly embarrassed.

"Uh yeah. I try to study really hard." She cocked her eyebrow, amusement displaying on her face.

"Charlotte this is an AP course, I've never had a student stay at all 100's before." The rosiness on my cheeks definitely got darker and I felt my skin heat up.


"Mhm. So I talked to your math teacher and it turns out you've been passing the class with flying colors." I licked my dry lips, trying to figure out what she was going to say.

"Studying. That's the only way I'm able to pass at all." Mrs.Anderson nodded with a smile on her face.

"That's a very true statement. Now here's the deal, I have a sneaking suspicion that this class is far to easy for you. Am I right?"

"Just a little." She laughed at my nervous, quiet tone and gave me a pat on the back.

"It's totally okay to admit something like that. I want you to be challenged." I grinned sheepishly.

"It can be, but not all the time." The bell rang, but Mrs.Anderson started speaking again, so I had a feeling she would be fine with giving me a late pass to English.

"There's a class for the twelfth grade Ap kids that I think may be more your level. I talked to Mr.Walters (our principal) and he was fine with it as long as you and your parents are." My jaw dropped. I wasn't only being offered a place in the twelfth grade science level, it was the AP course.

"Uh yeah, my mom and dad are cool with it. So am I." She smiled and gave me a sheet.

"Just get one of their signatures on here and you'll be good to go. The seniors just finished their first trimester projects, so the class will be starting a whole new unit anyway. You'll be placed in the class when we get back from winter break. I'm not going to be your teacher, Mrs.August is." I nodded, content with my placement. I loved Mrs.August: the year before I had helped out in her garden to earn some extra money to pay the bills and she was a great boss, plus she was said to be the best teacher in the school.

"Okay. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it." Mrs.Anderson smiled and handed me another slip, giving me a wink.

"And here's your late note." She remembered after all, I laughed to myself.

"Thanks." I started walking out of the classroom and she called,

"Have a wonderful time with your family!"

"You too!"


I slipped into English, handing Mrs.Shuman the note. She glanced at it and motioned for me to be seated, continuing on with her lecture. I normally would have sat next to Logan, but Ali was filling that spot, Maria and Janie were side by side in a secluded corner together and Xavier and Will were doodling on each others arms in the back row, but everyone looked up when I entered. Sighing, I wished that Jesse, Caleb or Gina was in my class so that there would be a friendly face, but they weren't, so I sat next to a Bianca, a really sweet girl on the cheer team. She happily handed me her set of notes to copy and I gave her a small smile in return, thankful that she was willing to help.

"Thanks." She gave me a dimpled grin.

"Anytime." With that, we both turned back to the lesson, bored out of our minds.


When the final bell rang I practically bolted out of class and into the hall, tripping over my feet to get to my locker. I had stopped taking the bus and started taking the the car, because my mom wasn't home enough to even notice. It was easier for me to run and pick up my two little brothers from daycare and then zip over to Ryan's school in time. I piled all the books that I could possibly need over break and sprinted to my car. When I got there, Jesse was waiting for my by the door. Come on heart and frontal lobe. Let's not pull up the memory of the thing that happened at lunch okay? Normal breath and no fast heart beats. It's just Jesse, standing awkwardly at my car door. Nothing special, nothing weird. Grabbing my keys, I unlocked it and threw my stuff in, turning to him, expecting an explanation for why he was waiting outside in the snowy, icy, cold weather for me.

"Whatchya doing near my car right now?" He scratched his head, not meeting my eyes for a few moments. "Jess, c'mon, I have to go." His deep brown irises finally connect with mine and he gave me a confident smile. I could feel other students eyes on us- there were a lot of rumors as to why such an attractive guy like Jesse would hang out with little old me, but I knew why. It was because I was freakin awesome. "Jesse!" He took a breath and walked to me, opening his arms for a hug. I sighed, exasperated, but hugged him back, anxious to get to my brothers. "Is this all you wanted? A hug?"

"Well we are going on break." I flicked him in the ear.

"I'm going to see you in literally a few hours." His smile twinkled with excitement.

"I know, it's gonna be so much fun." Me and him had planned a surprise for my siblings and both of us were super jumpy about it. That's why I needed to get out of there fast, because I didn't want ot be late.

"That's why I need to go!"

"Right. I forgot."

"Loser." I muttered under my breath, but he heard it.

"Poopface." I tried to think of another insult as I opened the car door again, ready to get in.

"Butthole." He leaned into my window as I started the car.

"Apple juice." With that, he turned and walked away, glancing at me one more time to give me a wave. My heart was pounding, but I had to get out. As I was looking out of my rear view window to pull out of the parking lot, I saw Logan glaring at me the Jesse's retreating back. When he caught my eye, his face transformed into a smile. I sent a weak one back then sped out of the school area, anxious to get home.

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