Partially Surrounded

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Cam (SHOWN ABOVE) had fallen asleep in my arms and the hours ticked by, three thirty approaching fast. Will was sitting next to me inside of the hospital room and I was leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I have to get home." He shifted slightly.


"Jason and Ryan remember?" I felt
his head nod.

"Oh yeah. Need any help?" I looked at the blonde little boy sleeping soundly. within my hold.

"Yeah I guess. I just don't like leaving him here, but I guess I have no choice. I can't miss any more school and I have the boys to take care of tonight."

"Well I could bring them over here if you want?" I moved my head from his shoulder and stared at him.

"Really?" Will smiled and gave me a gentle nudge, making sure not to jostle the baby.

"Really. I'll have them pack a bag, bring a blanket and a pillow and take them back here." I gave him a one armed hug.

"You're the best. Thank you so much." He got up and started heading out the door. I called after him, "Jason should be dropped off at three fourty-five by Mrs.Shmitt our neighbor. Ryan's bus arrives at four. They both can make their own snacks and stuff." Will gave me a thumbs up and shut the door. I cradled Cameron, admiring his soft features. Whoever knocked my mom up must have been one hell of a guy because this baby boy was adorable.
After about an hour, I heard a knock on the door and said, "Come in." A doctor entered with a clipboard.

"Hi! I'm Dr.Hoffman. I just wanted to check this little guy out." I handed him over to the woman and she started listening to his breaths.

"Is he okay?" She spoke softly, making sure not to startle him.

"Yes. What's his name?"

"Cameron." She started cooing and I smiled slightly.

"That's such an adorable name for an adorable baby. Does he have a middle name?" I thought about it for a little while.

"Cameron Jacob." Dr.Hoffman placed him back in my arms and looked back and forth between me and my sleeping mom.

"So how are you two related?"

"He's my half brother."

"Oh, well you must be so excit-" She was interrupted by the room door opening again and Jason bolting in, followed by Ryan and then William. The three crowded around me, pushing the poor woman out of the way. Jason said quietly,

"What's his name?"

"Cameron." Ryan laughed as Cam opened his green eyes and started to cry.

"He's got a set of lungs, that's for sure. You'll have competition Jase." Will gave Ryan fist bump.

"Smooth bro." I saw that the doctor seemed slightly confused.

"And who is everyone?" I pointed to Ryan first.

"That's my brother," then to Jason, "This is my half brother," and finally to Will, "And that's my step brother." Dr.Hoffman didn't seem to understand, but that didn't matter. I was surrounded by my family.
Will insisted on staying the night, despite having no connection to my mom. He kept telling me he felt a connection to the little guy, but I said he was crazy.
We ended up spreading the blankets over the tiny couch so Ryan and Jason could have a decent bed. The two fell asleep in no time, probably thankful to be near their mother once. She was out like a light, sleeping off the alcohol and drug withdrawal. I stepped outside after Cam started crying and Will followed me. I bounced him lightly and after a few minutes, he fell fast asleep, so Will took the time to ask questions.

"What's going on Lola?" I sighed. I didn't want to keep hiding things, at least not from my brother.

"Okay. Just don't interrupt." And then.......

I told him. I told him everything.

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