Don't Hate Math

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I woke up and got Ryan ready for school, making his breakfast (waffles) and pushing him out the door so he didn't miss his bus.
"Have fun mi amor!" I yelled and he waved, smiling. Jason was just beginning to wake up in his superman pajamas and crawled into my arms.
"My chest hurts."
"Sé (I know)." I placed him on my hip as I made another batch of waffles, this time with white chocolate chips. Jason began eating them gratefully, the melted chocolate smearing all over his face.
"Gracias (Thank you)."
"De nada (You're welcome.)" He started coughing so I gave him another puff of the inhaler and carried him back to the couch, breakfast and all. Grabbing the remote, I pulled up one of his favorite tv shows (Mickey Mouse Club House) and turned the volume up. He turned to me with a pout.
"Watch with me?" I kissed his blonde head of hair.
"Of course Jase. I need to go get something but I'll be right back." He nodded, facing back to the screen.

I ran out the door to our mailbox, my fingers wrapping around a large stack of envelopes. My heart sunk all the way to the pit of my stomach.
Jason's eyes were transfixed on the Tv so he didn't really notice me come back into the room with a pen, pad and the letters. I quietly ripped open the first one and sighed, Here We Go.

Bills, Bills, Money owed, Money spent, Payments, Paychecks, Missed bills- ALL MONEY. And all things I just didn't have the MONEY for. My mom had to waste away her days in booze at a bar, and use most of her paycheck to pay for it. My jobs could barely scrape us through.
"Oh mom." I muttered sadly, reading the letter that her boss sent us. It was a reminder that he wasn't giving us her last salary because she used it up on drinks. My heart began beating irregularly with the realization that I might not be able to handle everything. It was too much pressure to put on a sixteen-year-old.
"Whatchya doing?" I snapped out of my reverie to see Jason staring at me curiously, his Mickey Show finished.
"Math. A whole lot of math amigo (friend)." He nodded, his eyes wide with sympathy.
"I hate math." I ruffled his hair.
"Don't hate math mi amor. It's a great skill to have. What you hate is what you don't know how to do." He nodded again, pretending to understand my wise words. Laughing I shook my head and gathered up the bills.They would have to be saved for the nights when Jason and Ryan weren't awake.
"Don't hate math Jason. It's the only thing you can learn that has one answer. English, Science, Spanish....there are so many answers. But in Math it's either right or wrong. Black or white."

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