Everything's Unfair

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I hope you guys like it! I did something different....so any feedback would be great!


*Will's Point Of View*

It was like a punch to the gut. I should've known, someone should've known...ANYONE SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN. I even saw the bruise, but Ryan convinced me it wasn't purposeful. I felt like an idiot, a jackass, a nimrod...just an awful brother all together. Someone should have noticed.

But no one did. Which left poor Charlotte to tell me what had been going on.
She had always been stronger than I was, stronger than anyone I'd ever known, but I thought that was because of the divorce. Lola had a knack for being super responsible and even though I'd wondered why she was so similar to a mother towards her brothers, I didn't care enough to find out.

"Will, there was a reason why I was so mad at you when I took the fall." I remembered that day so well. I didn't expect my best friend to come forward and admit to something she didn't do, but believe me, I was grateful. I was just too big of a dick to show it.

"What was the reason?"

"My mom. She- she beat me up pretty bad. I- she was furious, apparently I'd stained her pearly white reputation." My hands clenched at her words. I knew Sally was off her rocker, I mean yeah, my step dad cheated on her and did things no man should. But beating your kid? Crazy.

"Wait- I was the reason she beat you up? That bit-"

"There's a baby present." I grimaced.

"Sorry. Old habits die hard." Suddenly, I made up my mind. "Lola, I'm getting you out of there." She shook her head, smiling at me sadly.

"You can't Will. I've looked at all of the laws and everything- there aren't any loopholes." I thought hard.

"There's gotta be. This isn't safe for you or the boys. Just tell someone." I felt her body freeze next to me.

"No. No. Don't you dare tell a soul Will or I swear to God I'll- I'll-" I saw her having a mini panic attack so I put my arm on her shoulder and she flinched unintentionally.

"I won't unless you want me to. My lips are sealed." She exhaled and relief was evident on her face.

"Thank you. If you told someone they'd move me, Cam and Jason into the foster care system where we'd probably all be separated and Ryan would have to stay with my dad the entire time." I shuddered at the thought of Cam being in the system all alone. He wouldn't get to know his family or have siblings like Lola, Ry and Jase.

"I promise I won't tell anyone." I watched as Cameron held Charlotte's pinky while he slept and saw the small smile that graced her features, a single thought crossing my mind.

To put it simply: Charlotte was beautiful.

I don't mean it in the "OMG YOU'RE SO PERFECT DATE ME" kind of way. I had a gorgeous girlfriend who I loved and was willing to do anything for. Maria was one of a kind, a person that I could rely on to pull me up when I fell down and all of that cheesy shit. Nah, Lola was different. She was beautiful inside and out,: you could tell she was just a nice person from the way she smiled to the way she acted around her brothers. 

"Will, how am I gonna take care of him?" I sighed and moved my shoulder so she could lean her tired head on it. Mind you, I was exhausted too, but family came first.

"I don't know. But you won't be raising this little guy alone okay? I'm going to do it with you." I heard the smile in her voice.


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