Mi Amor

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As the night progressed Jason's health began to decline again. I gave him the medicine but his fever wouldn't settle and he threw up everything he ate. I knew that if he didn't drink something then he would get dehydrated. I tried everything- cold towel, warm bath, freeze pops..everything, but nothing helped. I was trying not to show my concern too much, knowing that it would frighten both of the boys if I did. However once Jason began to get delirious I decided to take him to the ER. I didn't know what to do and I knew calling my mother wouldn't help.

"Jase we're going to go to the doctor's okay?"

"Okay." He whispered. My heart clenched as I looked at my three-year-old brother covered with four blankets, a sheer lining of sweat coating his face. Ryan looked at me, obviously scared because I was determined to take him to an expert. But he didn't question it, instead asking,

"Should I go put on something else?" I glanced over his checkered PJ pants and one of my old shirts that had the words Familia written on it. It was similar to my outfit- dark grey baggy sweatpants and an old t-shirt of Oscar the grouch that was getting too tight around my chest, but I didn't care.

"No, that's fine to go out in." I picked Jason up, blankets and all, and scanned the living room, making sure I wasn't missing anything.

"Ry, can you grab my keys from the table?"

"Definitely." He handed them to me and I gave him a fleeting smile.

"Gracias amigo (buddy)." With that, I gratefully watched as Ryan turned off all of the lights and we walked out the door, making sure to lock it behind us. The car was at the end of the driveway, so we had to walk all the way down it to get there. I went slowly, knowing Jason was asleep on my shoulder but Ryan sped ahead, unlocking it and opening the door for me. He was one of the most responsible kids I knew, always ready to lend me a helping hand.

"Thank you Ryan." He nodded, concern written all over his face. I struggled putting Jason in his seat, because as soon as he left my arms he started to cry.

"Shhhh, todo va a estar bien (everything's going to be fine)." He wouldn't stop, and it sounded as though he was in pain. I took him out from the seat and rocked him back and forth, trying to calm him down. Ryan was beginning to get anxious whispering,

"What's going on with him Charlie?" I wanted to scream and tell him I didn't know. I wanted to start crying, start telling him that I wasn't even a legal adult yet, that I wasn't meant to play the mom for two kids when I was a kid myself. But I couldn't, no, I wouldn't. I loved them both to bits and they didn't deserve that from me.

"He's in pain." Another voice almost made me jump.

"What do you need me to do?" I turned and found Xavier standing there, looking as anxious as Ryan.

"Xavier? What are you-"

"I live next door. I heard the crying." I swallowed before saying lowly so that Ryan couldn't hear,

"I don't know what to do. He had a high fever and I gave him medicine but it won't go down. We're on our way to the hospital but I-I don't' know." He nodded and the fact that he was so calm made my mind clear slightly.

"Want me to come with you?" Normally I would have said no. I would have told him that I didn't know him and I didn't want a stranger getting into my business. But this was no normal situation and I needed someone else to help me. Ryan was a great kid but I needed someone older. That's why I said yes.

"If you don't mind." He gave me a small smile.

"I'd never mind Butterfly." I blushed lightly, but then turned to Ryan who was giving Xavier a hard stare.

"Why are you talking to my sister?"

"Don't worry mi amor (my love), él es un buen tipo (he's a good guy)." Xavier didn't understand what I was saying, but Ryan did.

"Okay." With that, no introductions, I put Jason back into his car seat and he prompty started wailing again. I shut the door and rushed over the front seat, slipping in. Xavier climbed into the back and held Jason's hand, wiping his forehead. Ryan, surprised that Xavier had taken his place, came into the front next to me. I turned the ignition and sped out of the driveway.

The hospital was about five or six minutes away so it didn't take long to get there, expecially with me driving over the speed limit. Everyone piled out and Xavier picked up Jason, holding him close to try and transfer warmth into his shaking body. I grabbed Ryan's hand and we all hurried into the ER. I bolted to the front desk and the lady looked up.

"How can I help you?"

"My little brother. He had a fever that went down earlier, but it spiked up again. The medicine hasn't helped and he's been throwing up." She nodded and glanced back at him. As soon as her eyes landed on Jason I could feel the change in the atmosphere.

"Is that him?" She asked quietly.


"Follow me." I motioned for Xavier and Ryan to come along and we all entered a hallway that smelled like disinfectant. She put us in a room and told us to wait a moment as she got a doctor. I sat down in the chair and placed my head in my hands. Jason's voice made me open my eyes.

"Charlie? Dónde estás? (Where are you?)" I went over to his side and kneeled next to him.

"Aquí (right here)." He swallowed and tried to lift his arms up, signaling that he wanted me to hold him. I picked him up off of Xavier's lap and held him close.

"Everything's alright mi amor (my love)." I kissed him on the head as he shivered underneath the blankets. Sitting on the chair right next to Xaviers, I ran my hands through my younger brother's hair.

"Ryan you must be exhausted." I realized, looking down at my watch and seeing that it was eleven o'clock. He shook his head, but I saw the dead beat look in his eyes.

"Here," I pulled of my sweatshirt, careful not to move Jason too much. "Wear this and go lie on the beanbag. I'll wake you up when the doctor gets here."

"Thank you." I squeezed his hand as he left the tiny room to go outside where the beanbags and couches were in the waiting area. I sighed deeply as I looked down at the blonde little boy in my arms. My heart was beating fast with worry and anxiety and I swallowed, trying to wet my throat. Xavier's hand slipped through mine and I snapped my head to look at him. His thumb stroked my palm and I started to feel calmer by his touch.

"The doctors will help him." I nodded.

"I hope so." That's how we stayed, Xavier's hand intertwined with mine, in a hospital room at eleven, waiting for someone to help Jason.

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