Mice. Squeak.

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I'm thinking about doing another POV (maybe Logan, Ryan or Xavier) for the next chapter, but only if I get some suggestions.
So comment on who you think would have an interesting perspective.

"Who was that?" I shrugged Logan's question off. 

"No one important." His eyebrows creased with worry. 

"You sure? You seemed concerned." 

"Nah, everything's fine." He finally gave up the interrogation and we continued reviewing Math until it was one am. I saw him yawn and knew that it was late. 

"Hey," I put my hand on his arm, "I have some clothing you can change into." He thanked me tiredly and I led him upstairs (I can practically hear all of your dirty thoughts....pervs) into the attic (see, nothing sexual). There were boxes of my dad's old clothing that he forgot to pick up when he left. I grabbed a pair of big sweats and a muscle t-shirt and threw it at him. Logan gave me a smile and went into the bathroom to change. He insisted that he didn't want to sleep in my bed because he felt guilty, so I agreed to let him stay on the couch. 

"My brother's get up when I do, so if you hear Jason coming down don't be surprised." 

"Okay." I turned the light off in the living room, but before I walked out he reached and took my hand, making it warm up with stupid tingles. "Thank you Charlie, I really appreciate you letting me stay here, helping me with studying and listening to my idiotic problems." I laughed quietly and sat on the edge of the couch, smoothing his hair like I did to my brothers. 

"Don't worry about it, that's what I'm here for. You can always come to me." With that I got up and left the room. 


It was about three am, and I was sleeping fitfully, waking up every few minutes. I had just gone down the hall to check on Jason, who had started coughing, and gave him another puff of his inhaler, before getting him back to sleep, when I heard a loud knock on the door. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing it was a dream as I opened the door. When I saw who it was, I quickly went outside and closed the door softly, but not locking it. 

"Charlotttttte." She was as drunk as drunk could be, completely wasted. Of course, the one night that the guy I was into was over, the one night I had thought everything was quiet, she decided to come home.

"Mom, where have you been?" She giggled and tossed her hair back. 

"With Donnnyyyyyyweeeeeeeeeeeee." She stumbled over her five inch heels and I caught her, standing her upright again. 

"Mom, Mr.Johnson came and told me you missed three shifts." She shrugged with a grin on her face. 

"He's no funnnnnn." As she grabbed me to steady herself, I gagged. 

"You smell awful." She licked her lips. 

"I want coookkiieeeeeees and rainnnbowwww unicornnns." I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes and groan. 

"Let's get you inside okay?" 


"Mom, shut up okay?"

"OKAY." I turned to her sharply and said quietly, but firmly,

"I need you to be as silent as a mouse." She nodded, looking scared at my seriousness. I opened the door again and prayed Logan didn't wake up, or anyone else for that matter. My mom stumbled in and almost fell, her heels clicking on the floor. I grimaced, hoping it wasn't too loud. 

"Mom, remember, as quiet as a mouse." Her eyes were wide as she followed after me. Seconds later, I heard her making squeaking noises. "I told you to be quiet!" I whispered fiercely. She crossed her arms with indignation and said (not too softly),

"I'm being a mouse! Mice. SQUEAK." God dammit Mom. 

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