My Poker Face

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Dedicated to @sadie2407

Inspiration and Imagination are the two keys to writing a great story, but the only way to make the book complete is when someone gives you Encouragement and you've given me more than I ever expected. Thank you so much (I'm sorry I keep saying thank you but you deserve it)

"Life doesn't let you look at all the cards and pick and choose your hand. That's not how it works in Poker or BS so it shouldn't apply to life either, I guess." Ryan nodded. I knew he loved card games, so I tried to explain it using that. "The objective of poker is to gain the money or chips in the pot, which is kinda similar to our life. We're meant to gain something, probably the one thing we want the most: whether it be love, money or family." I bumped shoulders with him and he gave me a small grin. "So I'd like to think that mom is just one bad card in my whole hand, some other cards I've already seen, some I haven't. You and Jason are some of the good ones in the deck, school is probably another and music is one too. But there are the not so great ones like mom, dad and the whole drinking situation." Ryan nodded.

"How do you not get frustrated?" I smiled.

"Patience grasshopper."He laughed quietly and I put my arm around him, as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "When you see those pretty gosh darn awful cards, the point of the game is to not show it, otherwise everyone else will know. So when mom comes in drunk, or I'm tired at school because I haven't slept a lot, I put on my poker face. Everyone else will know that I'm not that strong, and take advantage of that, so it's crucial that I make sure they don't know." I felt him look up at me.

"So you're using your poker face?"

"Yup. It's the only way to face the world mi amor. With a solid poker face."


The next day was spent with my brothers and I cuddled up on the couch watching the Cars, Toy Story 1, 2 and 3, dressed in our snuggies. Ryan looked like a tiger, Jason looked like a panda and I, in all of my glory, looked like Winnie the Pooh. By lunch time, we were all dressed and woken up, ready for my shift at the cafe. The boys took their normal seats at the booth in the corner and I tied the dirtied apron to my body. With a smile on my face I said to the first customer,

"Hi, welcome to Mandy's Mocha! what can I get for you today?" that's how it went for four and a half hours until Sammy came in at five to take over. I gave her a hug before the three of us rushed out of the door, to get home and ready in time for Sophia.

"Charlie how do I look?" I glanced over at my brother and mentally awed. His hair was spiked and he was wearing jeans on the tighter side and a white fitted tee. He had obviously put on cologne because he smelled good and he was waiting nervously for my approval.

"You look handsome mi amor." He sighed in relief.

"Thanks. You look great too!" I winked at him, happy that he liked what I had chosen. It was an off white dress, black sort of sheer stockings, tan combat boots and a grey knit sweater. (SHOWN ABOVE)

"Gracias mi amor." I said, giving him a grin before calling out to Jase, "Amigo, come on! Sophia's going to be here any minute!" My three year old brother came out of his room with a full blown smile across his face. His checkered shirt, khaki pants and blonde spiked hair made me laugh.

"Guapo (handsome)!" I laughed, picked him up and spinning him around, leaving him giggling madly.

"Sé (I know)." I rolled my eyes, cocky as always. The doorbell rang and Ryan basically sprinted down the stairs to get it. The door opened revealing an adorable looking brunette who had a natural glow to her. She was shorter than Ryan, who was 5"6 but you could tell by one glance she had a big personality.

"Hi, I'm Sophia."

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