Tiny Dancer

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I challenge you: tell someone one thing you like about them. NOT PHYSICAL! Maybe you think they're funny, smart, kind, intelligent....

Dedicated to all of you who bother to do my challenges. You're making someone out there feel a billion times better.


It was the day after my friends' graduation, and we were planning to go to the beach for a day. My mom had already told me she was staying over at Donny's for the week, so I knew I could leave without much commotion. Gina's family had a shore house about five hours away, so Caleb, Ali, James, Gina, Jesse me and my brothers and Sophia were all heading down there at different times to avoid traffic. Ryan had wanted her to come, so I spoke with her parents and they agreed, which surprised me, but who was I to question their judgement?
Everyone was changed into pajamas and we were all ready when Jesse pulled into the driveway. Gina was already down with James, Caleb was heading out early the next morning with Ali so that left me, Jesse and the kids to come together. He was driving his mom's Pilot, which had enough room for everyone.

"Sophia- do you have a sweatshirt? Jesse likes a cool car." She shook her head.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll be fine." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand.

"Grab one of mine from the right drawer." She ran up the stairs, and into my bedroom. Sophia had started to become a regular face in our home. She had taken me up on the offer of coming by whenever and she was practically family.

I held a sleeping Cam in my arms, rocking him back and forth. Jason was half asleep on the couch, and even Ryan's eyes were drooping. Who could blame them? It was close to eleven thirty.

Sophia had just come down the stairs again when Jesse opened the door quietly and entered the house. He gave me a quick smile before whispering,

"Is Jason asleep?" I nodded my head at the couch and he moved silently over to him, picking him up in his arms. Jason stirred but didn't wake up and Jesse walked out the door. Ryan grabbed his bag, watched as Sophia struggled with hers and then grabbed it as well. She tried to protest but he shook his head.

"Grab Charlie's bag, she's holding Cam. I've got yours." I saw a blush tinge her face but she took my bag and followed my brother. Bringing up the rear, I held Cam's bag over my shoulder and locked the front door, making sure not to jostle the sleeping baby. Jesse took the bag from me and put it in the back before helping me buckle Cameron in. With that we opened our doors and piled in.

Within the first twenty minutes of the ride, Sophia was passed out on Ryan's shoulder and he was leaning against the window, his eyelids shut and his breathing deep. Cam and Jason were still out like lights, which left only Jesse and I awake.

"You excited?" I nodded.

"Of course." He shook his head, both of our voices barely over whispers.

"I never realized how much of a mom you are." I raised my eyebrow.

"Are you calling me old?"

"No...responsible." I grinned and brushed my hair back from my face.

"Thanks. It's a lot of pressure, but I can handle it." He drove silently for a while and I stared out the window, watching at dark shadows of trees whizzed by. Suddenly I felt a warm hand slip into mine and turned to find Jesse focused on the road, with only one hand on the wheel. Catching his eye in the mirror I smiled and he returned it with a tired grin.

"Did you sleep today?" He nodded.

"Yeah, as best as I could."

"If you need me to drive let me know."

Cry Me A RiverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ