Given An Angel

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I challenge you watties: Look at yourself in a mirror and smile. 

"Smile. Happy looks good on you."- anonymous 



I had to do it. It was the last day of school and I just had to do it. Not really for them, more for me. I had to get everything off of my chest, and it was the only way to do it. 

I approached Maria and Janie first, who were eating lunch near the tree that I had once relaxed with them. Once they saw me coming, I could practically feel Maria's disgust rolling off of her in fumes, but I ignored them, chanting in my head this isn't for her, this is for me and me alone.

"Hi guys." Janie didn't speak, just stared at me.

"What do you want slut?" Maria's words didn't have as much effect on me as they once did. I didn't value her opinion anymore, because quite frankly, she didn't know me. 

"I wanted to tell you something." She snorted, definitely annoyed.

"Talk." Without sitting down I stared her straight in the eye and began to speak.

"Will's my step brother. He and I never had anything sexual going on, he was my best friend. I've known him since I was 8 or 9 and he was the closest thing I had to an actual brother for a long time. When he was younger he got with some pretty bad kids and I ended up taking the fall for him, which was why we stopped speaking. But I've been going through some rough times at home because my mom works a lot so he wanted to help me out. That's why he was at my house, though I don't feel like I should have to explain myself to you. And you," I turned to Janie, who was watching me carefully. 


"Yes. You. A bully isn't as bad as a bystander. Remember that." Both of their mouths were slightly open, and I felt satisfaction inside of me. Finally Maria gathered enough of her thoughts to say testily,

"Is that all you wanted to say?" I nodded, giving them a smile. 

"Yup. It feels really good to get that off my chest." She sneered at my words.

"Congrats then. Go run back to Ali who apparently is your new BFF!" I raised my eyebrow. 

"You sound a little jealous Mar." 

"Am not." 

"Mkay." I walked away from the pair, completely pleased with how the confrontation had gone. Next ones.

Will, Logan, Xavier and a few other guys were joking around on the field, tossing a football back and forth. As I approached them, one of them (Frankie) pointed at me. The three guys turned and looked surprised. I came to them and turned to Will first. 

"Losing a brother once is pretty bad. Twice kinda sucks, but you made your choices and now I'm making mine. I genuinely hope your happy with Maria, but please don't contact me when you're at college." He was about to speak when I held up my hand. "No, I need to do this because otherwise I won't be able to move on from this year." 

"What the hell are you doing?" I rolled my eyes at my stepbrother's tone. 

"Something I should'ved done a long time ago." Then I turned to Logan. "I liked you for five years, and you never noticed me. That's just how it's supposed to be. But now I'm done with liking guys who only end up disappointing. I actually wanted to thank you- you've taught me a lot about myself."

"You liked me?" I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, but I'm really glad I don't anymore." He seemed so shocked that I wanted to laugh, but couldn't. I finally spoke to Xavier. "You seem like a great guy, but I can't forget the way you spoke to me. Treat girls with respect and that'll get you a long way." Ending on that note I started heading towards the building when I felt Logan's hand on my wrist. 

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