Purple, Ugliness and Eggs

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I was watching old episodes of Once Upon A Time, melting (not so secretly) when Captain Hook came on the screen. But of course, the minute he starts to smile, I heard the door knob turn but not unlock and I jumped up from my comfortable position on our navy blue couch. Looking out the peep hole I saw my lovely mother as drunk as a doormat, stumbling over her own two feet. I sighed as I opened the screen door, staring at her expectantly.
"Mom it's four am." She giggled and twirled her hair, wobbling on her five inch heels.
"Whoopsieeeeeeeee" I shushed her, worried my brothers would wake up. She'd been coming home drunk for around three years, but she started coming later and later. Within the past few weeks she's been back at four or five am, and as a result my school day was being ruined.
"Mom, can you be quiet?" She snorted and leaned on me, pressing her low-cut shirt against my left arm.
"Okey dokey artichokeeee" I sighed deeply and practically carried her up the stairs, making sure to avoid the creaky floorboards. Peeling off the vomit sprayed, alcohol doused clothing, I held my breath because of the stench.
"Jesus Mom," I muttered to myself, "Why can't you just be normal? For once." I don't think my mother was comprehending a word I was saying, because she kept singing to herself,
"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie worrrrrld"
"Mom shut up okay?"
"OKAAAAAY" She 'whispered' but yelled all the same. I groaned knowing I wouldn't be getting more than two hours of sleep, which was becoming a bad habit.
Turning the lights off, I tucked my drunk mom into bed and left the room. My watch read five thirty am. Screw life- I had to be up by six anyway to get the boys ready for school.

"Boys, time to get up." My brothers stretched, but thankfully did what I asked. Ryan rubbed his eyes and stumbled out of the heavy comforter,
giving me a small smile before going into the bathroom and shutting the door. Jason was a little harder to wake up, but after a few moments he sleepily blinked and yawned. I laughed and kissed him on the head
"Good morning Jay." before heading downstairs to start on the eggs.
Ryan came down fixing his hair, running his fingers through it to make it stick up. The corner of his mouth perked up when he smelled the toast, eggs and hashbrowns and he dashed to the counter, eager to stuff his face. He shoved a piece of bread and a spoonful of scrambled eggs into his mouth before moaning,
"Shalie o ate a est ood." I smiled at him, happy that he enjoyed the breakfast
"I didn't quite get that Ry." He swallowed and took a noisy gulp of orange juice before repeating,
"Charlie, you make the best food."
"Thanks kid." Jason's footsteps came down the stairs and when he saw
the food he sprinted to the table, holding out his empty plate. I gave him a pile of everything and he dug in.
"Shalire a aswonding ish-"
"Jason chew, swallow then talk." He obediently shut his mouth until he finished all of his breakfast. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he said,
"I was wondering why you have purple around your eyes." I grimaced, knowing they were the bags that cane from not sleeping for the right amount of time. Ryan glared at our little brother, responding before I could.
"She looks beautiful Jason. Purple looks good on her."
"I never said that it wasn't! Charlie, I didn't call you ugly! You're beautiful with purple." My heart was a melted puddle after hearing the two boys speak. I may not have a whole lot of people who love me, but these guys do and that's all I need.
"Thank you guys." I kissed them both on the head before shooing them out the door. "Hurry you two! I see the bus around the corner!" That set them off running with their backpacks jerking behind them.

I checked the time and realized that if I didn't hurry myself, I would be late. Leaving a note to my mom, along with some medicine and black coffee, I rushed to grab my bag, checking my outfit one last time in the mirror. Navy blue skinny jeans, an ivory off the shoulder top and my worn out converse. My normally wavy hair was pulled back into a loose french braid and the makeup didn't fully hide the circles that rimmed my tired, slightly bloodshot eyes. Whoops.
I didn't ride on the bus, choosing to walk to school instead. The air was nice and the weather on the cooler side...but I honestly just didn't want to deal with my wild classmates first thing in the morning. Because that just makes a wonderful Friday almost as horrible as a Monday.

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