Frankie The Farting Unicorn

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Logan's arm wrapped around my waist and I could feel the anger radiate off of him. Xavier glared at him and I could feel the two have a stare off. Logan spoke first, saying rudely,

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to her?" Xavier sneered.

"You don't understand Logan. Stop being a douche." I felt my best friend clench his hand around my waist.

"Look man. You're new, so I get that you don't understand how things work here." Xavier rolled his eyes but before he could speak another high, annoying voice decided to make an appearance.

"Logan? What's going on?" Ali's presence seemed to cause a change in Logan's attitude. He stood straighter and his hand slipped from around my waist and by his side, even his voice was different. It was deeper, gruffer.

"Nothing Ali." I felt my heart ache at his tone, which obviously gave away how much he still liked her despite what he said. She put her hand on his arm.

"You seem upset." I swallowed and saw Xavier staring at me. Ali glared at me with a smirk on her face before asking Logan,

"Want to talk about it?" I saw his strength crumble and knew he wasn't really over her. Xavier motioned for me to follow him, and when I looked over Logan and Ali seemed to be wrapped up in each other's gaze so I left. Xavier led me outside of the cafeteria, away from prying eyes before turning to me.

"I wanted to tell you this before." He scratched his head, anxious. I raised my eyebrow, my beats going 5,000 times a minute.


"I saw your mom." I didn't want to give him information, so I kept my response vague and simple.

"I see my mom too. Looks like we have something in common."

"No Charlotte," He sighed, having trouble getting the words out. "I saw your mom with a couple of guys near Westmont Avenue and Brooks Road." I knew that place....hell everyone knew that place. It was a pretty bad area, a whole bunch of drug addicts and prostitution. God mom.

"So?" Xavier rolled his eyes.

"Butterfly, I may be new around here but I'm not stupid. What your mom was wearing was not to go on a simple business meeting." I knew what he was implying, that my mom was wearing slutatious clothing.

"She likes to go clubbing. Big deal." Xavier shook his head, knowing I was defending a lost cause.

"She was drunk as hell Charlotte!" By this point, he was yelling and I was afraid that everyone could hear.

"Keep it down will you?" He stared at me, trying to figure out what was going on in my mind. 

"Charlie," His voice was quieter, "Charlie what's going on?" I laughed coldly at his words. 

"Why do you care? Didn't you say that I was just someone begging for attention?" 

"I was angry and I didn't mean that. It crossed a line and I'm really sorry. But what I do know is that your mom was out with some bad guys last night and I don't think it's unusual okay?" He lowered his voice some more, so that it was barely over a whisper. "Once or twice I've heard voices from outside, always at four or five am." I couldn't meet his eyes. 

"Xavier, just leave me alone." 

"I can't! You have two younger brothers, and your mom suddenly starts to drink and party? That isn't healthy for any of you?" I had it. It wasn't in his place to suddenly start worrying about me. 

"Xavier." I stared him straight in the eye and tried to seem as cold and detached as I could possible be. "Leave me the hell alone. It's none of your business what happens in my house. We aren't friends, we aren't siblings, you don't even know me." He was about to say something, but of course, someone else decided to butt into our conversation. It's like everyone wanted to be a part of my family issues and it was pissing me off. 

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