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Within this chapter, there is a song that Charlotte sings: I wrote it. I wrote the chords, lyrics and all the other musical aspects. If you guys know guitar or piano the chord progression is-
A, E, D, A


"Okay boys. It's bed time. Like now." Jason giggled and high fived Ryan, my two brothers obviously happy they got to stay up a little later. I rolled my eyes and smiled, not annoyed, rather finding the situation hilarious. "You guys are ridiculous." They sprinted up the stairs as I chased them, knowing they would listen to me anyway. I came up to their room breathing heavily and saw that they were already changed and in their beds. "Bueno. You guys are the best." They smiled and Ryan clicked off his light as I gave him a light kiss on the head. He pulled my hand and I leaned down, listening as he whispered,

"Thank you for helping me with Sophia and everything." I brushed his hair back from his forehead.

"Anytime Ry. You can always come to me." He grinned then closed his eyes. I moved over to Jason and he scooted over, giving me room to sit on the bed next to him. He cuddled close to me, anxious for my warmth.

"Cantas (Can you sing?)"

"Sure." I thought for a moment which song to sing and a tune I'd been working with popped into my mind.

"Glasses hid her from the world
But they made everything much clearer
For the little girl
Fortress made from borrowed books
Keeping princes from her heart
Who judged her by her looks
What no one else could see
Even if they tried
A looking glass couldn't magnify

Broken bottles crushed her dreams
The shards making the beauty bleed
Smoke from cigs and angry voices made it hard for her to want to love a man

Broken hearts with sawed off strings
Hopeless lovers used to sing
Now all that's left is the daughter
Of a lion and a lamb."
He was sound asleep so I snuck out of the room and into the kitchen. I was prepped for bed- my mickey mouse pajamas and messy bun indicating that my body was ready for sleep. But obviously my life was too damn complicated for me to be able to just close my eyes and rest for one goddamn night.

Dearest Mother Nature,
I do NOT want your gift. Take it back to the store and trash it for all I care. Just don't give it to ME.

But of course Mother Nature is just too freakin generous right? So instead of taking it back she shoved it at me at eleven o'clock pm.

There I was, rolling around my living room floor battling painful cramps, when my phone ran. Picking it up, I didn't look at the contact, simply snapping,

"What?" Will's laugh echoed through the device and I wanted to slap him for reasons unknown- just kidding. His voice was pissing me off.

"You okay kid?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm only six months younger than you." I hissed the answer through my clenched teeth.

"Whoa Lola calm down. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Are you seriously asking me what's wrong? OKAY I'LL TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG. MY STOMACH HURTS, I HAVE BLOOD SHEDDING FROM MY UTERUS AND I DON'T HAVE ANY VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM. THAT'S WHAT'S FREAKIN WRONG." I heard Will let out a long breath after my rant.

"I'm on my way."

He was at the door ten minutes later, a Wawa bag in one hand and duffle bag in the other. I let him in and he brought out a tub of ice cream and a spoon. I was speechless.

"What? You didn't have to do that!" He smiled and put his bag on the sofa.

"I know, but what are brothers for?" I hopped on the couch, knowing he was staying the night. It wasn't uncommon for him to do when we were still close, so it came as second nature when we turned on Mama Mia, dimmed the lights and ate our ice cream.

"Does your mom know you're here?" Will had taken a large spoonful of his cookie dough ice cream so when he tried to answer, it came out as a mumble. After swallowing, he repeated what he had said.

"Kinda. I told Sonya so she'll cover for me." Sonya was Will's older sister and my step sister. She had just turned twenty but was still living with her mom and my dad while she attended a collage a few minutes away. She and I weren't best friends because from the time we had moved in with her when I was nine, she had already started dating guys and didn't have time for a younger step sister. But she supported my relationship with Will, which meant the world to me.
In the beginning I was always looking for her approval, but after a while I gave up. She didn't really notice me.

"Okay. Tell her I said thanks."

"Sure thing." With that, we both fell asleep, with the movie still flickering on the screen.

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