It's the man's job nimrod

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When the doctor came into the room my neck moved so quickly that I could hear the snap.

"Hi I'm Dr.Amble."

"Hi." She glanced at Xavier and me, her eyes fixating on our interlaced hands.

"Are you two his parents?" I blushed crimson and Xavier smirked slightly.

"No. I'm his older sister and this is-"

"I'm her boyfriend." I didn't even blink an eye, because that's exactly what I was going to say. Better he did it than me.

"Where are your parents?"

"His father isn't involved. Our mom is working long hours- we won't be able to reach her." The woman seemed to accept that before looking down at the bundle in my arms.

"I want to examine him if that's alright with you." I nodded.

"Go right ahead." She smiled before unwrapping the blankets revealing the pale, drenched and shivering Jason. Before she touched him, he let out a deep, gut wrenching cough and cried out in pain.


"Shhhh mi amor. It's alright. Don't worry." I rubbed his back, trying to get him to sit up as he kept coughing. Dr.Amble began examining him and I tried to read her expression but it was like trying to read a brick wall. Nothing.

"Okay, I want to take some blood work."

"That's fine. What's wrong with him?"

"I want to get the blood work before saying anything." She left the room quickly and I licked my lips, getting more nervous by the second. Checking the time, I saw it was close to twelve thirty. I felt awful, making Xavier stay out this late. I think he felt my eyes on him because he turned slightly and I knew he could see right through my strong façade.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I could feel my face heating up from the compliment.

"I feel bad, you're out here. What are your parents going to say?" His eyes darkened at the mention of his parents and I wondered if I had misspoken.

"Ah-nothing. They don't mind." I nodded, anxious to get rid of the topic.

"Okay." He gave me a small smile, grateful that I didn't press any questions. What Xavier didn't know, was that I understood what it was like to want privacy, especially with the topic of parents.

"Want me to take Ryan home?" I thought about his proposal.

"Would you do that?" He gave me a small dimpled grin.

"I'd do anything for you guys."  I sighed gratefully and handed him my car keys. Then, my mother popped into my mind. She would most likely come home drunk within the next few hours. Xavier knew too much about my family, I didn't want him learning more.

"Actually, would you mind taking him to your place?" His eyebrows furrowed, obviously in confusion.


"Just can you?" I think he heard my desperation and agreed.


"Thank you." He kissed me on the forehead before getting up and letting go of my hand.

"Okay, I'll get him up and get him to bed. The poor kid's going to be exhausted tomorrow."

"You'll be too. I'm really thankful you're doing this Xavier. You don't know how much it means to me." He shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. Keep me updated." It wasn't a request- it was a demand. 

"Absolutely. Here's my number." Without giving it a second thought, I scribbled my number on his hand using a pen from the table. Then he brushed the hair off of Jason's forehead one last time.

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