Pretend Big Sis

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                             know what? I'll shut up and stop thanking you. On with the story!

*runs out of frame but decides to peek head in and whisper really quickly*


*scurries out again*
I was right. She was freakin ADORABLE. Sophia had great manners and was honestly just....awesome. Jason and Ryan had run off to get a movie and the two of us were making popcorn in the kitchen when she said,
"You seem like a really cool older sister." I laughed lightly.

"Thanks. Do you have any siblings?"

"No, I'm an only child. My parents work a lot so my nanny usually takes care of me." I frowned at her sad tone.

"You can always come over here if you want company. I don't think anyone would mind, especially Ryan." I winked and she blushed.

"Yeah, he's so sweet."

"I'm glad otherwise I'd have to have a serious talk with him." Her smile faded slightly as she said,

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble between him and Danny." I out my arm around her.

"Trust me, I know. Thirteen was the worst age for me. Too much drama." Sophia nodded, agreeing with me.

"Totally. How old are you?"

"Sixteen almost seventeen." She looked surprised.

"And you do all of this for them?" I nodded, but very careful about my answers.

"Yeah, our mom works a lot too, so I'm the nanny of the house. That's probably why Ry gets the no parents around thing. Our dad isn't really involved either." She blew out a breath.

"Yeah he told me that. I think that's why we connected so much you know? He didn't think I was just a girl trying to get attention." With that my two brothers came sprinting back in, a movie in each hand. Sophia and I giggled at the sight of them.

"You guys know that Soph isn't going to be able to stay here for four movies right?" They both shrugged and Ryan said happily,

"We watch what I picked first." Jason began to protest until I whispered,

"We'll watch your favorites together."
I let the two teens watch the movie in the living room and set Jason up with my computer in the kitchen. He seemed comfortable enough and it left me enough space to be able to check on the other kids. When I peeked my head in during the middle of the movie, Ryan's arm was around Sophia and she was hiding in his shoulder during the scary part. He saw me and gave me a thumbs up and I had to hold in my laugh. My brother had a romantic life before I'd even had a solid first kiss...impressive.

Sophia left at nine, having watching a movie with my younger brother's arm wrapped around her shoulders and eating ice cream with us.
"Come back anytime girl." I whispered to her, recognizing the look on her face. She was lonely and craved attention from parents that were probably never going to give it to her.

"Do you really mean that?" She asked, surprised. I nodded and smiled.

"Of course. I've been in your position before- I needed an older sibling but I didn't have any. Neither do you." She still seemed upset as she hugged Ryan goodbye so when I gave her my hug I said softly,
"I'll be your pretend older sister okay?" Suddenly Sophia's smile became large and her eyes twinkled.


"Yup. Here." I scribbled my phone number down on an index card. "If you ever need anything: fashion advice, guy advice or to just talk, let me know okay?" She gripped onto the piece of paper happily before giving me another hug.

"Thank you so much Charlie!" With that she closed the door and I turned to Ryan, picking up Jason in the process.

"I like her. What do you think Jase?"

"Me too. But," He gave Ryan a smirk that seemed far too cocky for a three year old. "I can still get more girls than you."

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