Adult Assholes

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I ran home from school (which took fifteen minutes because my stupid mother decided not to let me take the car to school). Knocking on her door, I waited for it to open. When Mrs.Shmitt opened the door I saw her smiled sympathetically before motioning me to come in.

"He's in here." I found my three year old brother lying on the bathroom floor drenched, but shivering. I rushed over to him and he looked up at me, sick.

"Lottie no me siento bien (I don't feel good)." I kissed him on the head.

"I know mi amor (my love). Vamos a casa (Let's go home)." He nodded slightly so I picked him up in my arms. He laid his head on my shoulder and I could feel the heat of his forehead on my skin. Mrs.Shmitt stood by the doorway, looking at both of us with concern.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" I shrugged.

"Family comes first."

"Where's your mother?"

"Working longer hours today. She couldn't get off of work." Mrs.Shmitt seemed to accept that answer and let me out of the house. I walked across the street to our house, using one hand to hold onto Jason and the other to pull a key out of my pocket.

"You doing okay?" I whispered and felt him nod slightly again. Pushing the front screen open and I let the two of us in and then closed it again, before bringing him upstairs to my bed. He was shivering and there was a coating of sweat across his tiny forehead.

I tucked him into my covers and ran into the bathroom, running cool water over a washcloth.

"Lottie?" His little voice called.

"I'm coming Jase." I practically ran into his room to make sure he was still breathing. It may seem extreme, but I was always worried about him. Wiping the cold fabric across his face, I tried to cool the heated skin.

"Lottie can you sing please?"

"Of course mi amor (my love)." Pausing, I tried to think of the most calming song I knew.

"The hours move

The days go by

We wait for heroes to fall from the sky

Don't wait too long to learn what's true

I promise you'll be a hero for me

And I'll be a hero for you

Nothing is black or white,

Easy it's wrong or right.

Or so they say.

You were the best to me,

Saving the rest of me,

Day after day.

Hold on and close your arm

Through what you're dreaming now

You'll make it somehow

The future can change the past,

Make every second last

For all we have" Jason was fast sleep after a few minutes so I stopped singing and felt his head. I had given him Tylenol, which definitely brought down his fever. Tiptoeing downstairs I made sure not to wake Jason with my foosteps. Once I was in the kitchen, I texted Janie and Maria, who had called me, wondering where I was.

Hey Guys, bro got sick. Mom couldn't pick him up.

After making Jason some soup, I checked the time to see when the bus would drop off Ryan. Jason had gotten up and was looking a little bit better after he had taken the medicine and had a quick shower. Ryan was due to be home within 5 minutes and I had wrapped Jason up in a blanket and sat him in front of the TV watching Finding Nemo while I went outside to get him. It was getting cooler because fall was coming so I grabbed my sweatshirt, and pulled it over my head.

Ryan ran out of the bus and gave me a tight hug.

"Hi Carl!"

"Hey." It took him a moment to realize how tired I looked.

"Why are there bags under your eyes?" I didn't want to tell him that it was because my mother decided to come home at four am, so I told him Jason was sick.

"He threw up at Mrs.Shmitt's house so I came home early and took care of him." Ryan seemed concerned and all but sprinted into the house. I went in after him, locking the door. He had gone and changed into his PJ's before coming back to the couch and snuggling in with Jason. I smiled at the two of them before saying,

"I'll get us some popsicles." They both nodded before requesting the flavor.

"One cherry and one blue raspberry coming up." They smiled before turning back to the movie.

I opened the fridge and unwrapped the frozen treats, grabbed a few napkins and brought them back to the living room.

"There you go guys." Jason stared up at me with pleading eyes.

"Can you come and watch on nosotros (with us)?"

"Of course, Me encantaría (I'd love to). I need to make a quick phone call first okay?"

"Okay." I walked out of the room and out of the house, making sure the boys couldn't hear me. I pulled out my cell and tapped in the number, listening to it ring. My mom's grumy voice echoed through the device and I cringed.

"What do you want Charlotte? I'm doing really important work." I rolled my eyes. She was a bouncer at a club, which wasn't the most dignified job, but I couldn't complain. It paid some of the bills.

"I just wanted to let you know that Jason is sick. He threw up at Mrs.Shmitt's today, so I had to leave school early to come and get him. "

"So what do you want me to do about it?" She snapped. I started sinking back into the scared little girl I used to be, unable to stand uo to my mom.

"Well- um- I was- um-"

"Spit it out!"

"I think it'd be better for you to come home tonight instead of going out." She snorted and I could practically feel the annoyance through the phone.

"Yeah how about no. They're your responsibility." No they aren't, I wanted to protest. But I couldn't. Because I was an adult. Unfortunatley.

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