Honey Got A Boo Boo?

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The rest of the weekend was uneventful so when Monday rolled along I was prepared for the long week ahead. Jase was cleared by the doctor, so Mrs.Shmitt was taking care of him again, which meant I had to go back to school. I had kept up with a good amount of my assignments, only missing one History pop quiz, but I wasn't too concerned about that. I got everyone out the door with minutes to spare and was able to get on the bus at a normal time. The tiredness I was used to feeling wasn't present, probably because my mom was MIA again, so I had a decent night sleep.

"Welcome back loser." I grinned at Logan as he hopped into the seat next to me, rubbing his hands together to try and get them warm. Even in early October the leaves were beginning to change and the air seemed to be preparing for winter, a crisp chill hovering in the mornings. Logan blew on his hands.

"Shit it's cold." I laughed as he tried to create friction to warm his fingertips.

"Maybe it would help for you to wear a jacket." He gave me a dry look.

"Jeesus thanks for the information Lottie." Giving him an innocent smile, I ruffled his gelled hair.

"Anytime honey."

"Hey! Don't touch the hair!" I rolled my eyes and pulled my beanie farther down onto my head.

"What is it with you boys and your hair?!" He snorted.

"Well you wouldn't like it if I messed with your hair would you?"

"I wouldn't care."

"Alright," He drawled out the word, "Then you wouldn't mind if I did this." He pulled on my messy braid, effectively slipping off the ponytail. Today was my lucky day, it wasn't a frizzy mess....just crimped.

"Nope, don't mind at all."

"Or this?" He started giving me a knuckle head sandwich. I laughed and playfully pushed him off.

"Nope, that was just annoying." Logan stuck his tongue out at me.

"You're just annoying." I laughed loudly, finding his comeback hilarious.

"What're we? In fourth grade?" He crossed his arms and pouted but I shook my head, proud that I had at least one good talent.

"Logan I have two younger brothers at home whose puppy dog faces are to die for. Your efforts are being wasted."

"Bitch." He muttered. I stared at him in shock.

"What did you just call me?"

"A b-" I poked him in the ear and he glared at me.

"What was that for?" I crossed my arms, pissed.

"You said you hated bad words then you decided to call me a bitch. Well let me tell you something that I read okay?" He motioned for me to continue. "BITCH MEANS DOG. DOGS BARK. BARK IS ON TREES. TREES ARE IN NATURE. NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL. SO THEREFORE I AM BEAUTIFUL." By the end of my rant I was yelling but all Logan did was chuckle.

"That's just an excuse honey."

"Don't call me honey." He flicked my in the arm and I yelled, "Ow!" He snorted.

"Awwww does honey have a boo boo." I clapped sarcastically.

"Creative Logan. Very. Creative."
Classes were a blur and soon it was lunch. I sat next to Janie and Maria who were telling me about what I had missed while I was out.

"And then Bella decided to-" Maria interrupted her with a snort.

"She was totally forced to-"

"No way did you see the look on her face?! I'm positive she-" I put my head in my hands.

"Guys? Shut up." They both turned to me and Janie got a glint in her eye.

"Did you hear what else happened Charlie?" I didn't like the way she was looking at me.

"Noooo. What?"

"Logan and Ali are officially done." I wanted to hear their take on it so I asked,

"What happened?" Maria rolled her eyes.

"You know how Ali is. She apparently overreacted about something and Logan finally had enough of her." She shrugged before adding. "She was a slut anyway." I nodded, not trusting my voice. Thank god Will decided to come in and start making out with my best friend instead of me having to respond. Janie and I looked away but she winked at me. After a few moments she whispered,
"Lover boy's staring at you." I glanced across the room hoping to see Logan, but instead I made eye contact with Xavier. My heart clenched at the words he had said, his rant still replaying in my memory. He started making his way over, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Logan coming to my table too. Oh shizzle with a side of crap.

Xavier got there first and pulled me up from my table. Will and Maria were still...busy... and Janie had mysteriously disappeared to go talk to a teacher. Talk to a teacher my ass, I bet she didn't want to get involved.

"I feel awful Charlotte." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow. Most of the cafeteria was staring at us- he was one of the hottest guys in school talking to an average girl like me. Unheard of.

"You should." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"I had no right to say any of those things. It was way out of line and none of it was true. I just don't know you and I didn't have any right to make assumptions." I swallowed. His apology sounded genuine.

"You're right, you didn't." He licked his lips before speaking.

"Uh- about the thing with your mom. I know I was wrong and-" I interrupted him.

"I get it. Don't worry about it." He shook his head, looking stressed.

"No that's not it. I saw-" He was cut off by an annoyed looking Logan. My mind was spinning. What did Xavier see? Oh god was it my drunk mom? Or Donny? Or mom hitting me? I had not clue, but I needed to find out. However, the angry Logan was making it hard to get the information out of Xavier.

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