Escape (2x02) part 2

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"Valentine has a clear pattern. Young, strong, highly-skilled fighters all abducted from boxing clubs, dojos and gyms." Lydia stated. She was holding a briefing with the Shadowhunters of the Institute to inform them of the new information she collected. "Valentine must've realized that even with the Cup, creating Shadowhunters isn't easy. He needs mundanes who are more likely to survive the conversion."

Clary, who hasn't been informed that Lydia was holding a briefing, showed up when it was almost over. When she saw Izzy and Alec at the back, she quickly realized that no one had told her about this meeting, intentionally.

"Your job is to stake out the potention targets..." Lydia continued. "...and catch the Circle members when they try to abduct them. We capture a Circle member, we have a shot at Valentine."

"And Jace and Leila." Alec whispered to Izzy. "That's how we get to them before they try and kill them."

"Just keep your cool in front of the boss." Izzy whispered back.

"You have your orders. Dismissed." Lydia ended.

As soon as the briefing ended, Clary called for Lydia. She walked towards her, while Aldertree and Jocelyn were watching them from behind.

"Lydia, please. You need all hands on deck. Let me help." Clary suggested.

Aldertree took a step forward. "Absolutely not. Your lack of training is a liability." he told her. "Besides, you're too close to this."

And just like that, Aldertree was the second person to make Clary feel like she wasn't of any help in the Institute.

Aldertree turned his attention on Lydia. "The Lightwoods are also too close to this. With Jace and Leila still out there, it clouds their judgment." he added.

"Izzy and Alec are the best we've got. They stay in." Lydia answered before she walked away.

When she heard that Izzy and Alec were again, allowed to look for their friends, Clary walked towards them.

"Izzy. Izzy, please. You wouldn't want to be benched on this. Let me come with you." Clary asked her.

"Did you not hear me before ? There's no place for you here." Alec intervened. "Izzy, let's go."

Izzy sighed, and looked at Clary apologetically before she followed Alec to fulfill their mission.

They went to a boxing club where the best fighters in the city came often. No one has disappeared yet, but when Circle members would come to abduct one or several fighters, at least they'd have a chance against them.

But unfortunately, it didn't go as expected.

When the session was over, one of the best fighters in the club was left behind. As he was getting himself ready to go, the lights started to flicker. Before he could even process what was happening, a Circle member tried to abduct him, but Izzy and Alec caught him first.

"Tell us where Valentine is !" Alec ordered with his seraph pointing towards the man.

Izzy took her whip and hit the man's hand with it. The man dropped his seraph blade, but instead took a smaller knife out of his pocket and sliced his own throat with it, before Izzy and Alec had a chance to stop him.

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