First encounter

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I'm MichyScribbler, an official member of Wattpad.

I present to you...


As I entered the class, a paper came flying in my face. My friend, who was also an artist like I am, Elvis Connor.

"Sorry, Ash." He said. I removed the paper from my face to see his new sketch, a riverbank scene. I looked at his face and smiled warmly.

"Oh, no problem."I replied.

I went to my desk and sat down as I picked a book to read to wait for the lesson.

Not so long after the encounter with Elvis, my bestie entered, Silvia Walker entered and sat beside me and greeted as she sat down.

She was short- heighted like me but she was pale-skinned, thin lips and straight long hair that grew way past her shoulders.

"Melissa is going to be late at this point, I am even surprised you came early." Silvia said sarcastically.


As Mrs. Sanders was teaching, Melissa entered with no rush in the way she walked, she usually does that. She was lectured a little by Mrs. Sanders, our literature teacher and as usual she didn't give heed to what she was saying. She sat down behind me and whispered a hello.


I went to my locker and got my books for my next class, chemistry. Melissa McCarthy, my other bestie was very extroverted and had a beautiful body, I always envied her for that but I never hated her, she was my bestfriend. She had cute mid-length curly hair. She kept blabbering about her new neighbor who was 'hot' as she kept saying but in her mind Lightning bolt was the hottest.

When we got to the laboratory, I sat by a table with my bestie, Melissa and Silvia behind us, as our teacher, Mr. Baffert gave us a folded paper each.

"Read out the name on your paper, they will be your partners for your project."Mr. Baffert said.

I was hoping for a straight A student so I would not worry about working hard on the project. I opened my paper to read.

"Alvin Pfizer."

I scanned the chemistry lab for the guy with the name Alvin Pfizer. I saw a hand waving me at the back of the lab. Melissa shoved me with her elbow and said,"You're so lucky, you got partnered up with the captain of the football team. Alvin Pfizer."

"Oh, he's the so-called Lighting bolt." I said with a questionable look.

"Yeah, my partner is Zionelle Allan. I'm going to sit by my partner. I wish we could exchange. Wait, we can." Melissa said enthusiastically.

"But I read the name out loud, no can do." I said.

"Good for you guys, I got the queen bee, Delphine Bourgeois." Silvia added.

I went to sit by Alvin reluctantly. He looked at me as I sat down, well he scanned me as I sat down.

"I guess you already know my name so what's yours?" Alvin asked.

Well, I knew he was a heartthrob and I didn't want to be involved with him. I had seen this in movies before, they do a project together, they become friends and they fall in love and date and then the guy dumps the girl and she becomes miserable for days.

"Hello!" Alvin said.

"Sorry, you were saying?" I said with a fake smile on my face.

"What is your name?"

"Ashley Scott."


Well, he didn't know much about chemistry but this project was easy for me so we got an A. I bickered with Alvin throughout our whole project.

At the cafeteria, I sat to eat with my besties then suddenly Alvin joined us with his friend, Martin Luther.

"Hey, girls. Mind if I join?" asked Alvin.

Martin was so focused on his phone, he just sat and Alvin sat as well. They didn't even wait for a reponse. Martin was a curly haired cutie, he was tall but Alvin was taller.

"Lily helped me with the project a lot, I haven't gotten an A in months. I came to eat with her as a thank you." Alvin said with a smirk on his face.

"Who is Lily?" Silvia asked.

"My name is Ashley not Lily." I added.

"Whatever you say, Lily. Give me your phone number." Alvin said.

"Nah, I don't think so."

Melissa shoved me with her elbow but I didn't want to be involved.

Then Alvin and Martin just left. I thought they were coming to eat.

"Oh, how can you be so stupid, Ash. Lighting bolt just asked for your phone number and you blew your chance. I'll collect his number. " Melissa lectured.

"Maybe, she's not interested, Mely." Silvia said in my defense.

I got up and said I had a class and I wanted to be early so I left. As I walked through the busy hallways I bumped into Alvin.

"Isn't it Lily." said Alvin. He pulled me by the waist and my face got heated. I was feeling very uncomfortable. Then..

Hey guys.

I did not want the first part to be too long.

Thanks a lot guys.

Please comment if you have any suggestions, questions or problems.

Thank you guys.

Yayyy, this is my first story on Wattpad.

:) 《☆M$☆》


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