Cloud 9

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Hope you enjoy reading.

Love y'all.

"I was born ready, mom." I said confidently.

"You look like those spoiled daughters." Gisele started.

"I'm going to be popular now, a new me has rolled in." I said.

Aunt Kiara dropped me off at school. As I entered, all eyes were on me. I scanned the people in the hallways. There were a lot of rich kids in this private school. Suddenly, a girl my age bumped into me dropping all the files she was carrying.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy." The girl said with British English accent.

"It's okay. It didn't damage my VG spicy knitted top." I said.

The girl was beautiful. She was wearing a navy blue baggy sweatshirt. She had dark brown skin with light golden blonde hair and doe charcoal grey eyes. She was a slender teenage girl, average height unlike me.

"Okay." The girl said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Olivia Bardot. Class president." Olivia said.

"Okay. Can you help me find my class?" I asked.

"Of course, let me get these to the principal's office first." Olivia chirped.

I escorted her to the principal's office and place the files on the desk and we left.

"So who are you?" Olivia asked.

"You don't know me? I'm all over the news." I stated.

"I don't pay attention to news because I'm mostly occupied." Olivia said.

"I'm Daven Pittman's girlfriend." I said.

"Daven Pittman?" Olivia squeaked.

"Exactly." I confirmed.

"You're a big target for our school queen bee. She literally hates you and unfortunately you've joined our school." Olivia stated.

She helped me find my class and it seems like almost everyone in my class already knew me. I sat on the only open seat which was next to a cute nerd.

"Hi, I'm Ash. May I know your name?" I introduced.

"No." The cute boy replied. Ouch! That was straight rejection. It's not that I liked him, he's so grumpy.

Our Literature teacher came in and introduced herself to us.

"I'm Mrs. Sarah Clinton, your literature teacher. This is grade eleven. We have new students but you'll get to know them." She said.

She started her lesson and couldn't wait for the lesson to end. When it was lunch time, I sat quietly alone at the far end. A girl with her minions walked up to me. The girl had bluebell fox eyes and wore a scarlet lipstick with heart shaped lips. She has wavy honey blonde hair that grew slightly past her shoulders. She was fair skinned. She was holding a blue channel bag, wearing classy makeup.

"You must me Ashley Scott right?" She chirped.

"Exactly. Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Heather Brown. This school's queen." She said.

"What the heck do you want from me?" I asked curtly.

"I want you to get me to date Daven Pittman." Heather chirped.

"But he already has a girlfriend which you are talking to now." I said curtly.

"You won't be for long, if you want to live peacefully in my domain." Heather threatened.

"You don't rule this school, Heather." Olivia said in my defense as she came over.

"Let me handle this, Liv." I said as I gave Olivia a nickname. "I won't give my boyfriend to a slut like you. I heard he was a senior here, why didn't you ask him out then?"

"She did but he just rejected her right in the face." One of Heather's minions named Phil blurted out.

"He didn't like you then, what makes you think he's going like you now." I stated curtly.

"Girls, we are going to give Phil the Farewell treatment. I'll see you later, Ashley Scott." Heather said curtly.

"Heather, you can't be serious right?" Phil asked anxiously.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Heather said curtly toward Phil.

They dragged Phil away as Heather followed.

"Where are they taking her?" I asked.

"The ladies' restroom." Olivia answered.

"To do what?" I questioned.

"Heather is going to put her head in the toilet bowl and pour ketchup on her head then her minions will throw chewed gum in her hair. "

"That's horrible." I said.

We had lunch and I tried out for cheerleading and I got it. I was so on
cloud 9. When school closed, I found a lot of girls surrounded by a guy in shades and in a black shirt by a car. When the guy saw me standing on the stairs, he came towards me. It was Daven.

"Hi Ash." Daven said.

"You came to pick me up?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm taking you out." Daven chirped.

"How sweet." I said totally on cloud 9.

Today was going great for me. Daven took me a quiet park. We sat down on the grass and Daven looked up to the blue sky.

"The clouds are appearing but the day is still bright." Daven said softly.

"Are you referring to the sky or life?" I asked.

"Probably both." Daven said.

"Oh boy." I sighed.

"How was your day?" Daven asked.

"Not bad. A crazy girl tried to threaten me to break up with you but I didn't care. I got a spot for cheerleading." I said.

Daven just smiled warmly and stared at me passionately.

"Dude, are you okay?" I asked.

"Perfect. Just that I've never kissed the girl I love so much." Daven said as he continued to stare at me.

"Me?" I asked.

"No, me." Daven said sarcastically.

"Come on, are you serious?" I asked confused.

"Yes." Daven replied.

"So, what do you want to do about it?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to kiss the girl I've dated for months now." Daven said cheerfully.

Well, I didn't like the idea. Why? I didn't love him, obviously and I feel like kissing him will just be like continuing to lie to him. I had to tell him the truth. He came closer but I...

"Daven, I don't think I can." I said slowly.

"Why not?" Daven asked worried.

"I-I just can't, okay." I snapped. I sound like Alvin.

"Why can't you?" Daven asked more worried.

"I don't love you." I blurted out.


Wow. Guys, what do you think about this part?


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