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Thanks a lot for reading guys.

This encourages me a lot.

I checked my phone to get a shock of a lifetime.

This meant Dad was going to kill me.

"What in the bikini bottoms?!" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Alvin asked.

"It's way past my curfew and my mom has called me 20 times and my dad has called me 12 times. My battery is even low." I said.

"So, what now?" Alvin asked.

"Let me call my mom." I said.


~Mom: Finally, where are you?

~Ashley:Mom, my battery can't hold
the call for long so I'll be
spending the night at a
friend's place. I'm fine.


Then my battery died. Well, at least I told her my whereabouts.

"So, where do I sleep?" I asked.

"The guest room. Let me show you the way. " Alvin said sarcastically.

I woke up early and took my clothes back. I laundered Lily's clothes and folded them and put on Alvin's desk and wrote him a note that said;

"Hope you slept well,
I laundered Lily's clothes,
See ya in school."

I put the note on the clothes and left the house. I got home and Mom came running to hug me.

"Where have you been, sweetheart?" Mom said softly.

"I spent the night at Alvin's house." I said.

"Who the heck is Alvin?" Dad asked furiously.

"Ashley's boyfriend." Bertin said sarcastically.

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" Dad said angrily.

"I don't." I answered.

"Bertin is just joking. The guy is very sweet and kind. I know him." Mom said in my defense.

"But I don't know him." Dad said furiously.

"Dad, calm down." Gisele said.

"Don't tell me what to do, Gisele." Dad said angrily.

"Basically, you can't change, can you? I have asked you, beseeched you for just a little change. But, you're just the same. You did well in hiding it and made me make the worst mistake of my life, which was loving you." Mom said curtly and furiously.

Well, as usual they started quarreling again. I went inside my room and put my glasses on my desk and took a bath and dressed up putting my glasses back on and went to school.


In the last lesson, I felt a sharp pain in my tummy. The pain got more and more as the seconds passed. I excused myself to the restroom and sat down on the floor of one of the stalls. I sat in the stall for a long time. Then Silvia called me.


~Silvia: Where are you, Ash?

~Ash: {groaning in pain} Restroom.

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