Did she?

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Thanks for reading the last chapter and this one.

I hope you love this one too.

I appreciate you've read my book this far because we're getting close to the end of the story.

Have a wonderful day.

Still in Ashley's POV:

I fell to the ground. I was bleeding profusely. Alvin crawled to my side and held me in his arms.

"I guess I have to die after all." I said.

"Wait, hold on. You will survive this." Alvin said.

"It's no use at this point. You can't walk and I'm dying. It's no use." I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"I am not losing anyone I love today. I lost my dad. I lost Lily. I'm not losing you." Alvin said.

"There's no alternative here. I never regretted loving you, Alvin." I said.

"I love you, Ashley." Alvin said.

"Let me say my last words." I said.

"You're not dying yet, dummy." Alvin joked.

"Tell all my friends who came to save me, I appreciate having them in my life. Tell Silvia, I thank her for trying to save my life so far. Tell Esme, she should go for that cute guy and I love her and she should tell Sage and Olivia, I love them to the moon and back. Tell-" I said before Alvin interrupted.

"That's a lot of tells. You're still a chatterbox even in your last minutes." Alvin interrupted as tears slowly trickled down his face.

I wiped his face with my bloody hands. I removed my hand immediately as I saw I have stained his face. He held my hand to keep it on his face.

"Tell Gisele that she will be happy with Cameron so they should hurry and get married. Everyone knows they want to." I said as I giggled. "Tell Bertin-" I said before Alvin interrupted me again.

"How about you save your last breath?" Alvin suggested.

"If I'm not done, I ain't stopping and stop interrupting me." I said.

"Got it." Alvin said.

I felt like he did his best to keep a smile on for me.

"Tell Bertin, I love him, even though he's stinky sometimes. I love him so much and he should play because he's Dad's LeBron James. Tell Daven, I love him and I apologize for hurting him. I wish I could spend more time with him. Tell my mom that I'm sorry, she had to lose Dad and me too. Tell them they will survive." I said as tears escaped my eyes.

"You will survive too." Alvin said.

"Don't, don't give me hope. I love my dad, when I was younger he was everything to me and he still is. There are a lot of things I wanted to say to him before he died." I said, remembering my moments with Dad.

"Cheer up, Ashley. You can't spend your last minutes remembering your dark days. It burns me to see you cry." Alvin said as he hugged me.

As we were pulling away from the hug, our lips brushed against each other and he kissed me. It wasn't right but I kissed him anyway. I have to take a risk with my last breath.

Suddenly, we heard a loud banging sound. Someone was trying to break the basement door open. Alvin looked behind me and saw Melissa dead. I bet when her head hit the table, she died. However that works.

"Someone's coming to get us." Alvin said excitedly.

I smiled. The last thing I saw was cops entering the basement and Alvin's hopeful face and I blacked out.

Daven 's POV:

I was in a hospital gown, limping towards Alvin's room. When I entered, he was in his bed in a hospital gown with a leg cast and staring at the ceiling. I went to him.

"Lazy."  I said as Alvin turned to me.

"Dude, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room?" Alvin asked.

"I'm here to ask questions." I said.

"What do you want?" Alvin asked.

"What happened?" I asked giving an obvious look.

"Oh, Melissa stabbed Ashley and Ashley pushed her away and her head hit the table and she died with her unborn baby." Alvin said.

"And?" I asked.

"Ashley said her last words which I've told you guys and we kissed." Alvin said with a smirk.

I felt like punching him.

"You kissed her." I said the obvious truth.

"Yeah." Alvin said.

"F*ck you." I cursed.

"She chose me." Alvin said.

"Did she?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine. She told me to tell you she loves and wishes you guys spent more time together. She cherishes you, so don't hurt her. Yeah, she makes mistakes but her heart's in the right place. I respect you. You fixed what you didn't even break." Alvin said.

"I fixed what you broke. She's not a player anymore." I said.

"So, we're bros now?" Alvin said.

"F*ck you. You're not bros until Ashley is okay. If she dies, you're dying with her, ain't no choice." I said.

"That's fair." Alvin said.

"Of course, that's fair. My face is covered in bruises, my arm is broken and I'm limping because of you." I said.

"At least we'll all get a happily ever after. Ashley will be dead, I would be dead and you'll be spending the rest of your life in prison." Alvin said.

"I wouldn't mind if I'm in prison because I murdered you." I said.

"I would be glad to be killed by you." Alvin said.


I apologize this chapter is shorter than usual.

We are not a long way from the end of our story.

Your writer,


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