Just a Talk

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Hey guys.
Today I'm not giving you a chapter. Ashley Scott will give us a brief to story has gotten to.

Just a talk.

Ashley Scott POV

Hi readers. I'm Ashley Serafina Scott and let's recall back to chapter 1. I remember saying when I was partnered up with Alvin on a project, I said that they do a project together, they become friends and they fall in love and date and then the guy dumps the girl and she becomes miserable for days.

Well, it came true but we were just friends, I wanted something more but he didn't. It made me miserable for weeks. Poor me:(

In chapter 2, I mentioned I wasn't into sports much but currently because most of the boys I 'played' were into sports so I am now into sports.

In chapter 5, we learn that Melissa knows a lot about Alvin. I guess she was into him but never told us. She's pathetic.

About my curfew, it's now at 11PM. I'm popular now. I go to parties.

Let's talk about age. I'm 2 years older than Bertin. Alvin is 2 years older than me. Daven is 3 years older than me. Gisele is 5 years older than me. I'm currently 18. If you want, you can do all calculations. I spent 4 years in USA. Sage is also 2 years older than me.

I hope these little information helped to get to know more about the story.

If any suggestions, please comment.

Love you guys so much. MWAH♡XOXO

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