Break up

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Have fun reading


I went to my next class when I went back to the hallways. Two boys were fighting. Harry and Jacob. I was dizzy and I had to a test coming up so I didn't have breakfast and lunch and learnt.

"Serafina is here, let her choose. Me or you." Jacob said.

"Choose, Serafina." Harry pressured.

"I don't like any of you." I blurted out.

"I thought we had a connection." Harry said sadly.

"Me, I'm dishonest and trust me to be dishonest. Honestly, at least I'm not honest. If I were you'd never predict me to say this. Don't be shocked." I deadpanned.

"But we're still dating, right?" Jacob asked.

"I would've stayed forever, but forever isn't ours. It's for someone else to give you." I said.

"What does that mean?" Jacob asked.

"Look Jac, I want to keep my peace and if you want to same, let's break up." I said.

"But we only started dating yesterday. We haven't even kissed." Jacob said.

"Don't make it harder than it already it is." I deadpanned.

"You can't break up with me." Jacob said.

"I just did." I deadpanned and my tummy started to growl and ache.

Jacob suddenly held me by my arm a pulled me closer to him. Daven appeared out of somewhere and punched Jacob making him let go of me and fell on his butt. Then suddenly everything got blurry and I passed out. I woke with Mom staring at me. Bertin and Gisele were behind her.

"Ashley is fine but she have to mind how she plans to skip food." The doctor said.

"Why did I faint?" I asked.

"Are you suppose to be going for check up?" The doctor asked.

"I don't think, I need that anymore." I said.

"You do. When did you stop going for check up?" The doctor asked.

"A year because we came to Canada." I answered.

"Ashley Serafina Lancaster Bridgeton Charlotte Boleyn Elizabeth Katherine Scott." Bertin said sarcastically.

"That's not my full name." I said.

"Ashley Serafina Scott." Mom said.

"That is my full name." I said.

"Why did you stop going for check up?" Gisele asked.

"I was busy." I said.

"Playing boys?" Mom asked.

"Not specifically." I said.

"Ashley! Break up with all the boys standing outside right now." Mom ordered.

"Boys outside?" I asked.

"They are about seven boys outside." Gisele said.

"The seven wonders. None of them are ugly." Bertin said sarcastically.

"I have great taste in boys." I said.

"Break up with them right this instant." Mom commanded.

"I'm not dating them." I said. "Bertin, please ididentify them for me."

"Alvin is there, Daven is there, the guy who came to our house yesterday and some four other boys. Four girls as well." Bertin said.

"Thank you. Wait, Alvin is here. He can't see you guys, he'll know I'm Ashley. I'm going outside." I said.

I went outside and well they were happy to see me standing. I'm quite disappointed that only 9 people came to see me. I was expecting a crowd. Daven rushed to hug me. I slowly pulled him away.

"You guys should leave." I said.

"Why?" Daven asked.

"Stay away from my girl." Jacob said.

"Both of you, back off." Harry said angrily.

"Don't you guys dare touch her." Sam said.

"Guys, stop. We're in the hospital for goodness sake. All of you out. Don't talk to me again. All of you." I said curtly.

"Why? Baby girl." Sam asked.

"First, don't call me that, and second, my mom has banned me from interacting with boys." I said.

I love my mom but she can be annoying. Sometimes, it make me hate her a little bit. Love and hate intertwined. Well, endless woes for me.

"Why?" Daven asked softly.

"Just do as I say, until my mom changes my mom."

I watched as they all left then I went back to my room. The doctor discharged me that day. From that day onwards, the boys did as I said and kept their distance. Daven started hanging out with some girl often. My life got boring. No drama. BORINNGGG.

The same routine repeated itself. Go for check up, hang out with only girls, focus on studies and have rest. I even stopped going to parties. I avoided boys like a plague.

I felt like old Ashley again. I started doubting myself again. One lonely morning, Bertin came to my room with an unexpected question.

"What do you want?" I asked lazily.

"I want your help." Bertin stated.

"My help? I'm the least important one in the family." I said.

"Yet I need your help." Bertin said.

"State your business." I said lazily.

"I want to ask this girl out but I'm a bit shy and don't know how to impress her." Bertin said.

"You don't have to impress anyone. Which type of girl are you talking about?" I asked.

"She's-" Bertin said before I interrupted.

"I hope she's not a nerd." I interrupted.

"She's not but why should she be a nerd?" Bertin asked.

"Nerds are boring and creepy." I said from experience.

"Ohk. She's-" Bertin said before I interrupted him again.

"I hope she's not a cheerleader." I interrupted.

"Why?" Bertin asked.

"Is she a cheerleader?" I asked.

"No." Bertin said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Goodness." I said finally relieved. Sigh.

"Why?" Bertin asked.

"Cheerleaders are mostly dishonest." I said.

"You're dishonest." Bertin said.

"Yeah, me I'm dishonest." I said.

"The girl is cold and distant." Bertin said.

"Wow. Those types of girls are loyal. Do you know anything about her love life?" I asked.

"She rejects every boy." Bertin said.

"Perfect. Those type of girls don't like desperate guys. They like guys that can be the sunshine of their life. Like you. Be yourself around her." I said.

"Thanks for the tips, expert." Bertin said.

"Oh boy." I said.

"I've got an idea for you to get back to not being normal." Bertin suggested.

"I'm not ready for any of your treacherous plans." I said. Then I remembered how boring my life is now. "What do you have in mind?"

"I knew you needed it." Bertin said with an evil grin.


This part is kinda boring for me.

I hope I can make the next chapter more likely.

Love you guys.

:/ 《☆M$☆》

I'M THE PLAYEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora