Shut up

12 4 1

Thanks guys.

You guys keep me writing so I want to let you guys know I really genuinely appreciate that.

This was my first kiss with Alvin.

Alvin immediately pulled apart. I looked me in the eye passionately.

"I'm so sorry." Alvin said.

"Hmm?" I said not knowing what to say. This was my first kiss with him.

I noticed that my lipstick was on his lips too.

"You-lip. Lipstick." I said. Typical dumb me.

I just handed him a tissue and left the place.

"Ash, you left your locker open." Alvin said as I was leaving.

I didn't even turn to him. Esme came to me with a teasing smirk.

"So, from Jacob to Alvin, huh?" Esme stated.

"What!? No!" I said.

"We all saw you and Alvin kiss. So romantic. It's all over Instagram." Esme said.

"Oh shoot." I said as I licked my lips.

Jacob came to stand in front of me looking desperately broken. The same look almost every guy I date come to me with.

"How could you?" Jacob said desperately.

"It was a mistake."

"Our relationship was."

"I hate you."

"First of all, do you think I care?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Probably your boss."

Yeah, that savage player side had settled in. I walked past him and in my mind I was like: What the fuck is wrong with you. I shouldn't have done that. I have done it already anyway. I couldn't go back. Daven called me.


Daven: So, you got back with your crush?

Ashley: Don't tell me you saw photos on Insta and now you just believe it.

Daven: I'd like to hear your explanation.

Ashley: He got pushed from behind and we accidentally kissed.

Daven: I'll take your word for it. I trust you, Ashley. Catch ya later.

Call ended...

At least I had someone there for me. I had someone to lean on. I texted him to meet me at my favorite coffee shop when I get out of school. I avoided everyone so my day will go anti-dramatic.

I stalked Bert's crush and scared her. I texted her anonymously to meet the guy of her dreams in the coffee shop I and Daven were going to. I told her to sit at table 6 or else she will be literally skinned alive.

Bert came and sat by her table. I have done my part. I have to gain sister of the year, don't you think?

"You really know how to help." Daven said.

"I guess I don't suck at being a sister." I said.

"You don't suck at anything. You are a great daughter, sister, friend and the best girlfriend any guy could ask for." Daven said.

"I'm not the best girlfriend." I said.

"You were to me." Daven said.

"Then why did we break up?" I asked.

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