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"Why did you remove my ribbon?" I whispered.

"You look more beautiful when your hair is let loose." Alvin whispered.

He gazed at me with a warm smile till our physics teacher, Mr. Harmon called me.

"Ms. Scott, what's the answer to the calculation we just made?" Mr. Harmon started.

Alvin giggled as I struggled. I got up on my feet.

"You don't know the answer, do you?, Detention, now! Mr. Pfizer join her." Mr. Harmon said angrily.

I giggled as we both left the class. We went straight to detention and the teacher there, Mrs. Harrison had dozed off while reading a book. I and Alvin sat at the far back. I put my head down to nap because of my headache.

"Are you sick?" Alvin said worried.

"No, just a headache." I said with a smile.

"I should get you to the hospital." Alvin said with a panicked voice.

"It's okay, I'm good, no need to panic." I said slowly.

"Let's go to the hospital, now!" Alvin said.

"We're in detention, we can't leave, besides I'm okay, don't worry. " I said.

I slept throughout the entire detention period. The moment I woke up, Alvin held my hand bringing me to the nurse's office.

"I'm fine." I said while the nurse, Mrs. Elsie Washington checking my temperature.

"You are not fine, dear." Mrs. Washington said.

"What's wrong with her?" Alvin said worried.

"I'm not sure but nothing about what I've checked is totally normal, she has to go for checkup in the hospital." Mrs. Washington added.

"Let's go now." Alvin said.

"No, not now, when school close." I said.

"You really want to go to all your classes, don't you?" Alvin said sarcastically.

"Exactly." I replied.

I went to the cafeteria while Alvin kept holding my hand and everyone was staring at us. They must probably think I'm dating Lighting bolt.

"It's really weird." Melissa said.

"What is?" Alvin asked.

"I think it's pretty obvious what is weird here." Silvia said raising her eyebrow.

"It's practically the fact that you've been holding Ashley's hand since you both got out of detention." Martin explained.

"The question here now is why you've been holding Ashley's hand?" Silvia asked. Melissa repeated the question.

"I don't know, I just want to hold her hand and not let go." Alvin answered. He excused himself to the restroom.

Suddenly Delphine walked up to us with her minions behind her, Charlotte and Erica.

"I guess you don't go anywhere without those pathetic minions behind you." Melissa said. Melissa was the sworn enemy of Delphine.

"I'm not here for you, McCarthy, I don't have to waste time agitating you today." Delphine said curtly.

"You better get going then." Melissa said .

"I won't take long. Hi- Charlotte, what's her name?" Delphine asked.

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