Chapter 2: Trouble After Trouble

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Pierre got back in his dorm and gave the food to the group.

He tiredly said, “Your foods.”

Four of them quickly scavenged their foods in the paper bag. Luckily, it didn't get wet from that incident.

Pierre sat on his chair and placed the two items on his desk.

While his dorm mates were busy munching on the food, he was thinking whether he is able to salvage this RAM or just buy a new one.

Salvaging a RAM by himself would be hard. 

His only safest hope is to buy a new and more reliable one.

Yet the money that woman gave is not enough to buy a similar RAM. He still needs to add in half of that amount.

Pierre sighed and hid the money in his wallet. He looked at the busy group.

His three dorm mates and their friend Yeshua were working on a graduation project. As much as he wanted to join them, he still needs to prepare for the competition and work after.

“Yeshua, come over.”

His computer geek friend knows almost anything about computers. Thinking that Yeshua may help him on his concern.

“What seems to be the problem?”

Pierre pointed the RAM with his head, which his friend picked up and examined.

Yeshua 'tsk'-ed many times, “Some memory chips were poorly installed. Wait, why is this wet? It even has dust particles in it.”

Marco who was listening to the two suddenly spoke, “Don't tell me you're asking us to salvage it? I'm telling you—no, we can't. You know it's hard to repair this kind of damage. You should return it and ask for a new one.”

Pierre sighed.

Knowing that he can't do it anymore because of his own negligence, he may not be able to pursue a refund.

“I got the invoice receipt wet also.”

The whole group went silent, then the four slowly looked at Pierre.

What a doomed guy.

“Well… I'm afraid you have to buy a new one.” Yeshua patted his friend's right shoulder and told him to call if Pierre needs some assistance.

Marco inserted, “I suggest you should go to the old campus. Mr. Lopez has a shop there. You may have to wait for hours, though.”

Pierre thanked them and picked up the RAM. It was a waste. Everything he did tonight didn't help him.

He thought that it would've been better if he was a little late but no one can go back in time.

The lady's name suddenly popped in his mind. Her dark-colored car still lingers in his mind. Her shiny tube dress. And the sound of her high heels.

Maricar Ysabella Geron.

Pierre asked, “Do you know someone named Maricar?”

The whole group went silent again.


Maricar chugged the remaining content of her drink before going back to the dance floor.

She screamed in joy and danced once more.

It was almost midnight. She was still hyped and full of energy.

The bar was covered with different colored lights, flashes, loud music, and lots and lots of people.

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