Chapter 14: Caught

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'@Ms.Marie was seen at midnight with a guy, eating outside a grill house. Is this her poor era now as her dad kicked her from their mansion? Haha!'


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'OMG! I knew that guy!'

'What a cheapskate!'

'So what? Do you really have to make that an issue? Get a life girl!'

'She's really leeching off from him? He doesn't even half as rich as she is! Shameless!'

'I also saw her seducing that guy last week. She's really out of this world.'

Early in the morning, it was the news that made the forum alive. Both of them haven't wake up yet when it reached half a thousand comments. But now, it has taken every Laurentian's news feed like wildfire.

Pierre was the first one to go out the house to attend his classes. He was totally unaware as it's not his thing to hangout in the platform. And even if he is at the school, he will still be clueless about it. That's how uninterested he is on that forum.

Before leaving the house, he made a simple breakfast of toasted cheese sandwiches and milk enough for two people. Pierre set aside three of it on the table with a note beside for Maricar. She would surely notice it.

He was still walking towards the terminal when his phone vibrated in his slim coffee pants' pocket. His friend, Jude, called.

As he accepted the call and placed the phone on his ear, he received a shout from the other line.

(You said she's just a creditor?! I can't believe you've fallen for a girl like her! It's impossible! Truly impossible!) his friend ranted.

Pierre sighed and brought the phone back near before speaking, " What are you talking about? Are you dreaming again?"

Jude overreacted a little bit as he groaned from the other line, it made Pierre think that it was some random crap topics he would just share, "Let me tell you, I don't have feelings for her. And you're right, it's impossible for me to fall for her. Bye."

He didn't let Jude to speak and ended the call. It was still eight o'clock in the morning. He was still drowsy since he only had five hours of sleep.

The young man continued walking as he put back the phone in his pocket.

After an additional three-minute walk, he finally arrived at the bus stop. He sat on the bench while waiting for the mini-bus to come.

The sun was already strong at this hour, yet the man was not bothered by it. He took his wired earphones and listened to music.

A few moments later, two girls arrived at the stop, looking on the phone of the girl wearing a skirt. They were so interested and immersed on reading the comments, they didn't notice that the person involved in the post was sitting on the bench behind them.

"Look at this! 'He is poor. Isn't it that he was the one leeching off the girl?' This is more true," the girl with a skirt said.

Her friend in jeans tried to look at the other comment and found a good one, "Here, read this. 'Ms. Marie is targeting a poor man and became his sugar mommy. Everyone can do such stuff with money.' Poor guys like him are usually easy to manipulate. Talking about cold cash."

As they ridiculed more about Pierre, they finally noticed that the guy sitting on the bench and the one on the post was just the same person.

"That's the guy. But he's such a handsome one!" the girl in jeans said.

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