Chapter 24: A Bad Person

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Pierre was already outside the house he used to live before. He even still have the keys with him. After some hesitations, the man decided to go inside and opened the door.

A young lady was waiting for him for almost half an hour at the couch. Both of her eyebrows were about to touch. She was more ruthless than before. Even before the two of them met at the station.

Her heart still aches up to this day… and it's all because of him. It was him who made her heart go wild everytime someone visits the house, thinking it was Pierre. She was constantly spending 30 minutes at the terminal everyday, trying to see if he arrives coincidentally. She even tried to get hands on his personal information at the ICT Office, however they were strict in the confidentiality of the students' information. In the end, she always go home with a sad look on her face. 

Every morning, Maricar tried to turn the doorknob and knock on her housemate's room to see if he came back late at night. But no one opened the door. She even tried hard to clean the entire house, hoping that he left a note that was lost when she came home. But in the end, no notes were found. She was trying to guess what was his reason for leaving. It was when after the week when she still haven't seen Pierre. Maricar tried so hard until she got exhausted. Her exhaustion turned into anger and despise. Her efforts were hopeless as the man had no intention to show up.

Opening the door, Pierre saw the house was clean and arranged. It didn't take long when he saw Maricar sitting on the couch. After closing it, he slowly walked towards her, every step seems to be quite new to her ears at this point. They were not talking to each other, however their stares could tell that there was a heavy atmosphere.

He sat on the single sofa and initiated the talk after a few seconds of silence. “How's your life recently?”

Yet instead of a direct response, Maricar slammed her hand on the coffee table and angrily asked him back.

“You have the guts to ask me that?” her voice was full of bitterness.

Pierre looked down and fiddled with his fingers. He didn't expect she had become a harsher person after his departure. Without anything to say, the young man proceeded to apologize to her.

“I-I'm sorry for leaving without a notice. I didn't–”

“Pierre. Stop giving me explanations, okay? Stop being such a jerk. You left without a notice because you think I'm not worthy of it. You kissed when I was drunk back then and fled from it. Tell me, Pierre. Am I that unimportant to you?” Maricar was serious about everything yet she felt like she was just toyed by him.

The young man replied in a soft tone, “Maricar, don't be like this. Just listen to my explanation. I promise, you will understand me.”

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Just answer the damn question, Pierre! Is it that hard to say?!” Maricar stood up and walked towards the kitchen to drink some water.

Pierre gulped his saliva and shook his head even when she wasn't looking. Maricar was really angry and he didn't expect that it was that bad. However all he wanted was for her to hear his side. To believe that everything was just a misunderstanding.

The guy stood up and went to her before answering, “That's not the case, Maricar. Please, just hear me out.”

Maricar furiously turned around and splashed Pierre's chest with water. He was all wet in front together with his face. The young lady forcefully threw the glass to the sink. Luckily, it didn't shatter into pieces. He wiped his face and looked at Maricar.

“I'm sorry, please listen to me for once…” his voice hinted desperation towards her. He tried to grab her hand but she wasn't letting him get a grip of it.

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