Chapter 19: I'm Sorry

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Under the rainy weather, two people shared a medium-sized umbrella while walking back home. Neither one of them would strike a conversation with the other. It would be awkward for them if they talked. It's better if no one will say the first word.

Maricar was the one who felt a heavier feeling around her. She just badmouthed the person who is sending her home right now earlier this morning. She knew she had to apologize but not today.

As they reached and got inside the house, Maricar spent no time to take off her shoes before the guy talks. Hoping for him not to say a word, she walked straight towards her room yet Pierre asked a question the moment she was about to open the door.

‘Can't you consider our feelings for a moment and not talk?’ she cursed in her mind.


She turned around with a forced smile and grunted a high-pitched sound.

“Do you want to eat?”

Maricar quickly responded, “No, I'm full. Thank you, eat more, okay?”

In a second, the door slammed as Pierre was left with a slightly dejected face. He thought it was a great time for the two of them to talk. It would be awkward if they will prolong their beef with each other.

It would be useless for him to force Maricar on talking about what happened. He just went to the kitchen and started on making dinner.

It took almost two hours to finished cooking, just in time for an early dinner. Pierre knows the girl have to go outside and work. She might as well eat first before going.

He took two bowls and poured the arrozcaldo in those. It was steaming hot and his hand was burning from holding it. After placing the bowls on the table, he went to Maricar's room and knocked.

“I know you're hungry. I cooked something hot to eat.”

The rain was still pouring hard, creating loud noises above that made the words Pierre said a little inaudible to the lady inside. Maricar heard those clearly, though. But she pretended not to.

Opening the door, she asked, “Why are you standing in front?” she was ready to leave at this point.

Pierre asked her to fill her stomach. The young woman smelled from there the gingery scent of the food on the kitchen. Her stomach growled lightly. She was hungry yet ashamed to share with the man.

She fought her urge to eat. Only a small shook of her head was the response Pierre got. The next second, Maricar swiftly bypassed him and went towards the door.

Opening it was a bad idea. A slightly strong gust of wind, together with rain, dirt, and leaves, dirtied her outfit.

She was fast to close the door but not haste enough to prevent herself from being wet.

What an unlucky day.

“Are you okay?” Pierre rescued and checked her.

“I'm not.” Maricar's words made him backed off.

She was unable to go out with the storm outside. As well as cancel her work tonight. The rain was all over the city, her father wouldn't allow her to dress such thin clothes even if she likes super cold temperatures.

Looking at the guy she's stuck with, it was hopeless for her on relieving from awkwardness.

Pierre asked her again to warm up and eat something. She didn't respond and went to the sofa. The more she talks, the more it would break her composure.

The young man took one bowl of the hot congee he made and a spoon, placing it on the coffee table then said, “I know you're still angry with me. That's why I'm trying to win you back and make peace with you. I'm sorry.”

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