Chapter 25: Ice Cream

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Classes already resumed after a week. Maricar was getting busy to rush her academics in preparation for her graduation. Luckily, she only had three professors in her last semester which has only five subjects left. Instead of giving her complicated tasks, the professors collaborated to make the students have lesser burden in their last semester. With the agreed set up, it would take them three and a half months to complete all of them instead the usual five one.

Pierre on the other hand took three different types of exams in each of his subjects before being officially enrolled. Although it was a harsh condition to lift his INC grades, it would be worthy for him as long as his previous benefits will be restored. However, it was not the only reason for him to have this kind of difficult exams. He was the top student, it would be the department's misery to leave him take it all that easily. At least it would prove to them that the three consecutive ACM-ICPC champion is worthy of his awards. Pierre accepted the challenge and effortlessly aced them all before the semester started.

It was two weeks ago since that incident in the house happened. Mr. Geron witnessed the thing happened between them with his own eyes. But instead of being angry, he seemed to be cool with it. He even happily mumbled while they were talking,

‘Pierre, at least you will not be in an awkward position when you call me Dad. ’

Maricar was shocked to hear about that. Turns out, Pierre was calling her father like what she usually calls him for a long time.

Mr. Geron talked with Pierre privately about the thing that happened to him before. Fortunately, Mr. Geron understood his hardships and became at ease after knowing all of them were solved. It didn't only prove his worth but also as Maricar's future husband.

Pierre was still finding his way on how to revise his life plan and where to insert the romance. He wanted everything to be settled before this kind of pursuit but it might upset Maricar, knowing that she's quite an impatient woman. Also, he is trying to find a proper time to insert his confession to her.

He knew that he shamelessly pulled the woman at that day and kissed her without any confession. He thought that girls like her should also have something to leave behind. And Pierre wanted it to be as memorable as his imagined wedding day.

“Bro, you know what, I never saw you being in love with girls in the past four years, and seeing you today being delusional and overthinking about your wedding day with her is just totally out of your character.” Marco told him while they're hanging out at the empty soccer field.

The two agreed and even told that he was being weird and overacting. Pierre scowled at the three.

“You wanted this shit to happen, okay? I told you before that I like to overthink things, you wanted me to confess, and now you complain about it?!” he acted like he wanted to give him an elbow hit.

“Don't hit! Fine! I'm not gonna complain. But you have to hit Jude! He's the mastermind!”

Marco was hit by a crumpled soda can thrown by Jude, making him groaned in pain. “You were the one who told me to do it, okay? I just spearheaded everything because you and Lester are lazy as fuck!”

“Ey! I heard my name, don't drag me into that scheme of yours. I stayed silent when you talked about it.”

Pierre shook his leg that Lester used as a pillow. “Your silence is an agreement. You are also one of them!”

Lester laughed and replied, “Yeah, yeah. Do I have an option to disagree?”

They finally stopped arguing and went to enjoy the nature around them. It was the only time all of them finally got to experience such a peaceful place.

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